makes a lot of sense.

unless you consider that I live only one state away and have been screwed by them more than my fair share of shares or somthing?

well I guess that one time I got @ lighters and stickers makes up for it

. I found my friend trying to steel it yesterday!!! you dont steel deal breakers man!!!!!1
the guy answerd all my questions it was just his tone of voice, I was like hey man I need to exchange this fan I bought, and he was like what exchange?! like I was a retard (no arguments here

) I orderd too big of a fan, but I though bigger is better!!!11 but I was wrong
than I mentioned that neither one of the bulbs worked and they had smuge marks all over it and the boxs looked opened before, he just sounded like he didnt believe me, so I asked if I should send them back with the fan, thinking he would say no but that he would think I was less of a lier?

and he said yea send them back well check them out ( sounds like they want to resel them

, or maybe they give them to the company and say bad bad light people!!!! eitherway I feel like a chump, I was at my fucking local hydro store the other day but everything their is twice as much as it is at htg so I usualy just buy what I absolutly need from them and whatever can wait from htg, I should have bought at least one bulb from my local guys