Wrong! Guys its N20 Get it right. I am an -nitrous junkie, I used to have one 30 pound tank,three 20 pound tanks, one 5 pounder. I got them filled at a filling station where all the guys working there carried guns at all times (see nitrous mafia). Before that I used to 24x24packs with 24 bulbs in each pack from purewhip. and used a gold plated cracker as well as a stainless steel iSi whip dispenser.Yeah, the title should be NO2, not CO2, my mistake. Thanks for the info
Rep to you, thanks for the info.Wrong! Guys its N20 Get it right. I am an -nitrous junkie, I used to have one 30 pound tank,three 20 pound tanks, one 5 pounder. I got them filled at a filling station where all the guys working there carried guns at all times (see nitrous mafia). Before that I used to 24x24packs with 24 bulbs in each pack from purewhip. and used a gold plated cracker as well as a stainless steel iSi whip dispenser.
Never use a mask of any kind always balloons and youll be cool.
C02 is Carbon Dioxide for bb guns- it is useless.
NO2 is nitrogen dioxide- also useless
N20- Nitrous Oxide -the real deal- a gift of the gods- Comes in large tanks or in those little 24 packs
And it is N... 2... O... So please get is straight. Now excuse me cause I got a Phatty of Headee Medi to inhale out of a punching bag now...JK
These guys ruin festivals/concerts completely turning them into some underground street business. I got threatened by them for selling/giving whippits at a festival, like really your gonna shoot a teenager over some gas... big men... An it's not as if I was running around saying "GET YOUR BALLOONS HERE!" I was just offering them to people who were willing to trade other psychedelics/chronic or were hot hippie chicksI got them filled at a filling station where all the guys working there carried guns at all times (see nitrous mafia).