HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

so the basis for your claim that illegal immigrants make fake ids so they can vote is a google search query?

i feel like you don't even take yourself seriously, because you know full well nobody else does.

Do you think I take you serious?
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The only question will be how far they go to rape the land and impoverish the populace for their own gain.

You are a classic sucker for believing ANYTHING he or his cabinet has said that hasn't been independently verified.

Sadly, the idiots in this country have plenty of company.
It remains to be seen what they do. Becoming energy independent is important for economy and peace in the ME.

Grow up. Globalists are the corporations and financiers profitting from our open borders and "free trade".

You are stuck in a propaganda bubble.

America needs to be strong and protect the innocent. When america is corrupt the world suffers. We need to expose those making back door deals and get rid of the waste within the system.

It remains to be seen if Trump will deliver. Looks better than Hillary tho.
so which is it? you don't care that UB was exactly right? or you don't care that the party you voted into office will do hardly anything they promised?

just as long as you're on the winning team huh?
Trump looks like he will be keeping promises but it remains to be seen.
I understand, however it's preposterous to think an 'illegal' is going to go through this trouble to vote in place of a dead person.

Watch the project veritas videos. They caught them on camera saying how they do it with rental cars and fake ids.
Watch the project veritas videos. They caught them on camera saying how they do it with rental cars and fake ids.
She seen it.


Then they all ate baby wings for lunch. Aborted fetal baby arms!

There literally is no propaganda so bad that Pie will not believe it.
What makes you think that?

And if he's not able to keep his promises what will you say? Who will you try to blame it on? MSM perhaps?
Depends on what happens. We will have to wait and see.

I want america to be secure and wealthy. Energy independence, protecting american business from bad trade deals, and attracting business to america are high on the list for me.

So is securing the border, limiting immigration, teaming up with nations to keep isis away from cities in middle east... all important.