Well-Known Member
He drives to another location an fixes machinary a couple times a year.
you said they were monthly.
you realize he is just going out and cheating on you because you lost your mind with the whole trump shit, right?
He drives to another location an fixes machinary a couple times a year.
get a jobWtf are you going on about?
What do you think a business trip is? I never said he was going full suit nyc. He drives to another location an fixes machinary a couple times a year. They pay his expenses and there is overtime pay.
Other than honorable led to jobs with low wages at first because there were no openings in his field near where we were. Job market was pretty scarce but it was where family was.
You dont need to be making six figures to go on a business trip.
Wtf are you going on about?
What do you think a business trip is? I never said he was going full suit nyc. He drives to another location an fixes machinary a couple times a year. They pay his expenses and there is overtime pay.
Other than honorable led to jobs with low wages at first because there were no openings in his field near where we were. Job market was pretty scarce but it was where family was.
You dont need to be making six figures to go on a business trip.
Did they say anything about posting on pot sites?
No i am not saying that. I believe there should be a support system and there will continue to be one.So you're saying that now you're off welfare, fuck everyone else who needs it now?
You do realize that's worse than being a simple hypocrite, don't you?
No i am not saying that. I believe there should be a support system and there will continue to be one.
Next time your husband comes back from a "business trip", smell his underwear.No i am not saying that. I believe there should be a support system and there will continue to be one.
then why did you PM me scared like a little bitch after i outed your sheskunk account, and then again later when you came up with some moronic conspiracy theory about me calling your PO?
Monthly? He went four times this year. They were very close together which could be what i was talking about.you said they were monthly.
you realize he is just going out and cheating on you because you lost your mind with the whole trump shit, right?
Next time your husband comes back from a "business trip", smell his underwear.
Not a good idea. He is covered in grease and sweaty.Next time your husband comes back from a "business trip", smell his underwear.
Team? I voted for trump and trump did no such thing.then why did you vote for the team that was pledging to destroy all the support systems you and your entire family relied on (and still rely on) for decades?
Not a good idea. He is covered in grease and sweaty.
Did you enjoy 'pretending' to be racist?
Do you have conditions to probation? Do they drug test you?
Did they say anything about posting on pot sites?
I'm doing what is best for us right now. When my daughter goes to school full time I will get a job.get a job
he obviously wan't allowed to post here, hence why he cried like a little bitch when i outed his sheskunk account. he said ti would be my fault if he got sent back to prison for it.
yes, he blamed me for his decision to create a nigger trolling sock puppet and put his entire family at risk.
what a guy.
i think i respect him less for risking his family like that than for the fact that he is a snitch.
Team? I voted for trump and trump did no such thing.
I have eyes. And a nose. Lolthat's what he tells you at least.
There was never any risk. I was never told I wasn't allowed to post here.
The sheskunk account was created 3 years before my arrest.
You suck at this.
Cool story bro.you voted for trump/pence.
now, we all know everything trump said during the campaign was a lie, he's already been owning up to that. he lies to you because he knows you're too stupid to tell, and he does not respect you.
but pence has been very clear his whole life about getting rid of the safety net. and we all know he's gonna be the one doing the presidenting while trump bangs ivanka all day. heck, i believe pence even told employers not to hire gay people and thinks you can electrocute gay people into being straight.
you voted for that.
and of course, any gop regime is gonna team up with paul ryan, whose life goal is dismantling the safety net, and he has a good partner in pence to do just that.
they counted on your stupidity and they got it. now your whole family, which has spent their lives on the dole, is gonna get fucked.
jesus christ you are dumb.
Screen shots or copy paste? We all know how much you love to put words in people's mouths.i'll go ahead and share the PMs with everyone else so that they know you are lying and trying to save your (misshapen and ugly) face.