HUGE BUST - OLD NEWS - Huge Grow Room


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking kidding me Knowm? Wow thats the most crazy shit ive probably ever seen...Shame he got busted. Id love to get my hands on that house though lol im sure they auctioned it or something.


Well-Known Member
Took them 5 years to get a warrant on a house with 2000 dollar monthly electrical bill
Think our government took the short bus to work


Active Member
that house burned to the ground a couple days ago my dad saw it on the news what a shame that was a nice house with an even nicer cave


Active Member
well the news said the police suspect foul play I told him that if he hears anything about to let me know see that huge bust was a couple years ago from what my dad told me and then it was on the news recently that it burned down if I hear anything i will post it


Active Member
Yeah the bust was a long time ago, but I remember it. And I also read about it being burned down along with another house used for the same purpose if I remember correctly. They're pretty sure it was arson


Well-Known Member
That was a sick set-up very stealthy, it's too bad he got busted! I wonder he didn't have some generators, with a $2000 per month power bill you will surely get busted! I guess he wasn't that smart after all hey:roll:


Well-Known Member
well i used to live in a trailer b4 all this growing and electric bill was bout a grand a month.. mighta been cause doors and shit wouldnt close and a/c was working alot....

well thats amazing, fuckin so much weed, u cant even see end of tunnel.. but with all that money spent on hydraulic doors or whatnot( and them probably maken millions off of that much weed), ud think the door to the cave would be more discreet like where u touch a book in the library and a secret slot would come out and u have to put a key in and the floor would give away and ud slide down a long tunnel and hit the mattress at the end.. some finger pads or retinal scan would help too.. :D just some creative thinking for the fellow potheads serving like 20 yrs in prison. So they would think about having a better hideout//cave next time//secret door.. and watch who their drug dealers are and dont tell dem fuckers u grow so incase those fuckers get caught and narc ur fuckin ass.. and have a fake name//id//address//seperate celly for ur local drug dealers so they dont know who u r and cant narc ur asssssssssssss