Huge Grow


Active Member
Hi this is my first post and i am planing on growing a few hundred plants hopefully getting about 50lbs what is the most efficent way to dry that much bud?


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
If you give folks a better idea of what kinda set up you're gonna use to grow and trim these few hundred plants maybe someone will be able to zero in on an idea for ya.

Indoors? Outdoors? etc.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
your in luck,,, just so happens i have a big barn. but you know that when all said and done that 50 lbs will prolly dry down to about a pound right??? lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
50 lbs would have to be an outside op unless he has a warehouse ready and probably 20 grand startup captiol at a minimum.So dry it in the ware house

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
A coupla ideas/probabilities:

Drying by helicopter (CAMP)

Drying by bonfire (the Annual Policeman's BB-Q)

Drying in the evidence room

In the end, anyone with the knowledge to actually grow this much pot wouldn't have to ask how/where to dry it.

I smell bacon.


Elite Rolling Society
Back in the early 80's, we had a crop of about 40 plants, grown outdoors, spread out all over a big island in the middle of a fresh water lake. We did this 5 years in a row. We were experts on how to not get caught, but we were not expert growers. We used walkie talkies, and we pretended to be fishing in the spring and summer, then we pretended to be hunting in the fall. We didn't know half of what we know now about growing. Like the best most perfect time to harvest to us was when the weather man predicted the first frost was coming. We didn't know anything about color of trichs. We thought we were experts cause we knew to pull up the males. We got very little sensi-bud tho, and we got a lot of seeded buds. $$$ was our goal, saving the few virgin buds for ourselves. We used commercial columbian bag seed. Anyway, we would harvest about 20 to 25 5 to 9 ft tall plants, (sativa) and we hung entire plants from ropes and limbs of trees in the middle of the woods. We gave away the males and the shade leaves or used them for mulch, and we'd harvest 10 to 12 lbs of good looking buds, sun-air dried. Yea, we got a few spiders and spider webs and a rare twig of pine straw mixed in, but we'd manicure them good and we'd clear $10,000 - $12,000 selling lbs wholesale and about another $2500 in qt lbs and bags.
We were such fools but we never got busted.


Well-Known Member
yeah, how could you even think about growing over 100 plants unless your really experienced/have the right setup, let alone 40 or 50 plants!


Active Member
i have 450 acers way out in no where so i could just make a nice clearing and plant them. it would be outdoor. and i have a bunch of guy's who will help me plant, maintain, and trim them all. i also have a buyer in line.


Well-Known Member
i have 450 acers way out in no where so i could just make a nice clearing and plant them. it would be outdoor. and i have a bunch of guy's who will help me plant, maintain, and trim them all. i also have a buyer in line.

call me if you need me. thanks. good luck.:peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i have 450 acers way out in no where so i could just make a nice clearing and plant them. it would be outdoor. and i have a bunch of guy's who will help me plant, maintain, and trim them all. i also have a buyer in line.
The text in red is the kind of thing you should omit from future posts.


Active Member
dry it in the barn and good luck with that. to grow that much is a full time job in its self and having finds help is not to smart you think that they are friends till you go out to pick and it is all gone


Well-Known Member
Hey bro.......give it some thought. Think about all the bubba's doing life, waiting for guys like you to come along and make there day.
The kind of operation that your talking about can get you decades behind bars.
Just grow some personal and leave the commercial operations to people who live in corrupt countries where everyone carries a machine gun.
Just a thought!