Huge pest problem, please help!


Active Member
Ok so I've been in battle with spider mites ever since my first harvest, i'm now beginning my third run and found a plant with little maggots all over a leaf. I also notice lil fly's come up when i water my plants and i think they may also be fungus gnats. So my question is what are these maggots? Are those little flys that i thought where "fruit flys" fungus gnats? What do i do to get rid of these pests?

I have been applying Azatrol for the mite infestation after Fruit tree spray and Organicide didn't do much besides slow the population down temporarely. I've heard sand over the soil help but i want to avoid that as i'm still fairly new to this and i always water on a quick look at the soil and putting my finger in a few inches.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The Azatrol (neem oil) should kill them on contact if your spraying the leaves. To kill the eggs in the soil you'll need to do a soil drench with your neem oil. To prevent more from coming back you should add a one inch layer of dry potting soil, sand, or a thin layer of DE. I would also hang yellow fly paper next to your plant.

Instead of putting your finger in the soil, a better way is to always lift the pots before and after you water. As long as you check on your plants every day you'll be fine.

Best of luck.

- Vin


Well-Known Member
i had a bad bad bug problem and i got some neemoil and some safe soup and mix them together and add a littel bit of dawn dish soup to brack down the neemoil and spray them good and then clean your hole room from top to bottom and dont where your shoes that you where out side in yout room and just start being cleaner i thought i was as clean as i could get then i got bugs all so after you have sprad them good go get some lady bugs and let them loose in your room and that was all i had to do and i had bugs really bad man and the lady bugs kick so much ass they will eat doubble there weight in one day and its like there your 24 hour bug killers there great but let me know how it turns out for you and good luck