HUGE philosophical problem with my grow


Active Member
not sure if i should give my $.02 but here goes. i myself believe that violence is never the answer unless it comes to a fair amt of cash. kill the plants, a sad day for us all. move out and when the time is right, bitch slap the shit outta him


Active Member
not sure if i should give my $.02 but here goes. i myself believe that violence is never the answer unless it comes to a fair amt of cash. kill the plants, a sad day for us all. move out and when the time is right, bitch slap the shit outta him

I wouldnt hit the boy cause hes liable to tell his mommy that, and shed sure call the dicks on you then. lol

I once had a friend that I have known since I was 15 years old. Hes six two 260lbs and at the age of 26 I saw another man smaller than him punch him in the eye. Now I thought this meant I was going to see a fight. INSTEAD I saw 260lbs of pussy run in the house and tell his mom. who then called the law. all this happened while this guy sat on the porch holding his eye, literally CRYING


Active Member
lol never ever listen to me. my lady may have taken the boy out of the city but not the city out of the boy lol


Active Member
Your gonna just have to start all over and not let anyone find out about ur grow and if peeps do find out and know you have alot of bud and say ur being stingegy well fuck them you worked hard to grow dank


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt hit the boy cause hes liable to tell his mommy that, and shed sure call the dicks on you then. lol

I once had a friend that I have known since I was 15 years old. Hes six two 260lbs and at the age of 26 I saw another man smaller than him punch him in the eye. Now I thought this meant I was going to see a fight. INSTEAD I saw 260lbs of pussy run in the house and tell his mom. who then called the law. all this happened while this guy sat on the porch holding his eye, literally CRYING
LOL the bigger they are the harder they fall

DO NOT hit the guy, that is grounds for assault then he can claim you are growing and a whole can of worms gets opened up NOT GOOD!

stop the grow, just not worth it, move out ASAP, restart when it is safe and you no longer talk or associate with your tool friend / roommate!
Two things:

What kind of real friend runs their mouth? (and to their mommy)
How old is this friend that his mother can still tell him to move out?

Mamma's boy, i'd kick him in the asshole on the way out.