HUGE plant but still not flowering


Well-Known Member
Wow that is one beautiful plant, but I too fear it may be male...Oh well....don't give up! You could grow some beautiful girls I bet!


Active Member
Wow that is one beautiful plant, but I too fear it may be male...Oh well....don't give up! You could grow some beautiful girls I bet!
Thank you :) not too bad for a first grow ay :D quite stoked with myself :D anyways...if it is a male oh well:) ive got others on their way, only like 1ft ya...will keep updated with both... thanks for your response :)


Active Member
22122010245.jpg21122010241.jpg22122010247.jpg22122010244.jpg22122010248.jpg my previous plant which i tied up and pulled sideways now as u guys recommended....and my upcoming smaller plant .........and my cat :)....lemme know what u guys think :) cheers


Well-Known Member
that sativa is growing crazy.i hope its really loving the picture with the cat in it,cats seem to like ganja plants.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
keep doin what your doin kid ,that is one beautiful plant and i'm almost willing to bet that if it were male it would have flowered already.. it looks like its ready to form bud sites


Active Member
keep doin what your doin kid ,that is one beautiful plant and i'm almost willing to bet that if it were male it would have flowered already.. it looks like its ready to form bud sites
thanks a lot Robert :) you just gave me some faith my man :) shot :)
....will keep uploading pics...thanks again for ur response mate :)


Active Member
ok so my plants decided to start flowering on Christmas day :D woop....just gonna wait a few days to be sure about the flower type :) :) and will post pics up :)


Active Member
27122010357.jpg27122010358.jpg ok so the one plant ended up being a male :( :( is there no use for the male plant ?....anyways.....BLEAK... but still waiting for the bigger one to show me its genitals....which i hope will be hairy :) peace everyone....thanks for all ur help etc....will keep u posted on the other one :)


Active Member
27122010359.jpg27122010362.jpgBUT !!! Ladies ...and....gentlemen.....BREAKING NEWS !!! the insanely large plant that was sharing the pot with the 27122010363.jpgmale is a LADYYYY!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOO just spotted the little hairs comin out at all the bud sites......gonna yield crazy amounts hahaha !!!!27122010360.jpg....and also....did i do the right thing by cutting the male down? and is the way a did it alright? or something more a should do?


Active Member
dam u gonna be smokinn blunts all day long hopefully it some nice sticky quality bud to your probaly gonna have some huge buds


Active Member
wut up with the plant did it turn out to be male?
havent been home in a while,nope, ended up being a hermie....gonna shmoke it anyways, doesnt look sexy at all though<,branches sagging cos the wind fcked shit up and i think they just got too heavy??? :( but my little one i grew is smelling quite fantastic hahaha,....(also a hermie) but hey first time grow, will make sure i keep an eye on developing males and keep em FAAAAAARRRRRRRR away from my ladies....this photo is probably gonna piss some ppl off cos i let it fuck out like this, but i was so over the big one and when i found out it had A SHHIIIT LOAD of seeds i was like ahh fack man, so ya, gonna cut it down right now and hang it... peace, sorry about the anti-climax


Active Member
201104131114.jpg201104131115.jpg201104131116.jpg201104131117.jpg201104131119.jpg201104131118.jpgfirst two are my small plant< how long you rate till theyre ready? and the others are of the big monster :(.......... i know :(

Brick Top

New Member
whatsup everyone :) im in South Africa so freezing isnt gonna happen here hey.....bloody hot here at the moment.. summer aswell so the sun is up at like 5:30/6:00 and sets around 7...

I guess the Internet isn't very accurate on some things. Now I suppose to some degree it would depend on where in South Africa you are but looking up today's sunrise and sunset in [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Johannesburg it said sunrise, 6:22AM and sunset 5:55PM.

If that were accurate that would mean flowering should have begun by now.


Active Member
I guess the Internet isn't very accurate on some things. Now I suppose to some degree it would depend on where in South Africa you are but looking up today's sunrise and sunset in [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Johannesburg it said sunrise, 6:22AM and sunset 5:55PM.

If that were accurate that would mean flowering should have begun by now.
theyre almost finished budding......just needa figure out how to change thread name? check my previous pics
...thanks 4 the reply tho