Huge problem! need every bit of help on this one!


Active Member
so i never thought about this befor but i am lost on what to do here... below are pics of my unknown bagseed sativa plant. ive had other post with other pics and info so i dont know whos been following but basically i am running out of room very quick. im just over 3 weeks into flowering, plant is still growing taller and it is starting to flower everywhere. its looking nice.. however the one pic you can see the light hanging above the plant. its hanging from a bar. its raised at its max hight unless i literally tape the light higher up. now i have good news and bad news. im almost 100% sure im getting my (400watt) HPS ballast and light fixture.(hoping to get cooltube) in about 8 days. bad news is... how the hell am i going to have this light in the closet when the light im using now is already at max hight with plant still growing. ( il take more pics when i have time) is it possible to try and keep the plant bent sideways with a peice of thread? or will that cause too much stress? i really need some suggestions here. much apreciated. thanks



Illegal Smile

You gotta get thelight higher, or the plant lower. You can gain some by bending the plant over slightly and tying it down. If worst comes to worst you can try just lighting it from the sides with more cfls. I think you will have to forget the hps for this grow.

ps - I didn't notice how high the light is, Tom is right cfls need to be in close. That may explain part of why it stretched up so tall.


bud bootlegger
i had the same probs with my current grow, and someone told me about supercropping, and i did it, and i love it... and it worked out great, and my plant bounced back quickly, like within twelve hours or so.. i checked out a few videos on supercropping on you tube, and just did what i saw on the vids, and had great results.
check it out for youreslf, and give it a try.. i gained about 18 inches or so from one time doing it..


Active Member
thanks for the quick replies... now the bulb thats in the light on top is apparently a "red spectrum" grow design incandessant light (150 watts) it gives off way too much heat but has alot better results than the cfl. should i switch the bulbs and put the 2700k cfl on top?? i will look into tying down and supercropping


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick replies... now the bulb thats in the light on top is apparently a "red spectrum" grow design incandessant light (150 watts) it gives off way too much heat but has alot better results than the cfl. should i switch the bulbs and put the 2700k cfl on top?? i will look into tying down and supercropping
If it were me... I would tie it down as best possible... If that grow light is giving off too much heat allready, you might as well just pitch it and swap it out w/ the 400 WATT HPS w/ cooltube when you get it... Your results will be a lot better...

Problem is, you're gonna have to tie it down to a point where at it's max height, the 400 watt is atleast 10 inches away... shoot for somewhere in the 10-16 inch range (distance between light and top of plants)....

Whatever you chose to do, good luck and happy growin!


New Member
here you go I have drawn a map

\..................................... ||..............\
\..............\ \ ..................||||..............\
\..............\ \..................||||||,............\
\..............\ \                    |||               \
\              400w            ||   |||              \
\left wall                       |||||                \right wall
\                                   |||                 \
\                                    mary             \
\                                    jane              \
\    |short plants|           |tall plant|       \
the right wall is kinda fucked up though... and scale prolly off


Active Member
i am most likely going to tie it down as much as possible without hurting her. im not a big fan of supercroping and il prolly kill her by doing so. i really hope i can somehow get this HPS to work in the closet space. ( il be posting in 8 days when i get if anyone wants to help with the layout and ideas) also i didnt quite understand that diagram


New Member
imagine the front wall isn't there and you're looking at the back wall

hang the light vertically, move the plant to the side, light the large plant from the side, and the smaller plants from the top

you got air cooling? ducting prolly necessary in a closet


Well-Known Member
if your three weeks into flower she should be slowing down in vertical growth and bushing out, i'm in exactly the same position. 6 plants, organic, under 1000watt hps in a 4' x 4' 6.5' grow tent.( just isolated one coz it loooks kinda hermi, the bastard) but outta the 5 left 3 are over 4' tall and seem to be slowing down. i'm almost outta height unles i remove my easy rolls and cable tie my hoods(1x 600 and 1x400watt)up to the top bars on my tent but then theyre unadjustable,though that mite no matter at this point. my buddy had same prob and he just cracked the main stem, kinda screwed the main cola but it wasnt really formed and it just fed all the rest of the plant the extra energy.

Illegal Smile

Anyone been to Monticello? Thomas Jefferson built a huge clock in his foyer that used cannon balls for weights as an 8 day clock. But after building it he discovered it was so tall the weights couldn't go down low enough to make it work. So he cut a hole in the floor and today you can see the working clock with the weights going below floor level.

I was almost ready to try that when my LSD plants that were supposed to be 3 ft started pushing 5 ft. They didn't stop growing up until 6 weeks into flowering.


Hi Canadian.Bud21.Just thought i'd chime in on this problem.Had the same deal going on with my closet grow awhlie back. I was useing 48" floro's(2 bulbs in each) had a total of 400w's from 5 fixtures. Any-way,( i tend to ramble on a little when i'm BUZZ'd) lol sorry...but, i only had about 48" of total growing height,so i was actually forced to Bend my 1 overly tall plant. In the end,it really worked out well!I've attached a pic to show you the results. There were acyually 2 main colas that needed to be "bent". In the third week of flowering you want to be as careful as possible.As the main stem may have already gottin pretty stiff.Do it slowly. Over a weeks time or so.I just used string and bread ties to make the tie-downs.Do a slipknot loop on both ends,then tie the bread ties to each loop. That way you can adjust the tension from either end, by slideing the knot up or down. Hope this helps,and...Good Grow'in!



Active Member
haha yea shit always happens. im an outdoor grower and think supercroping is necessary for outdoors mainly for more light on lower regions = more yield. theres many ways around it inside tho. anyway... il be going to my local shop sometime next week and choose what i think is most suitable, compact and best for this grow. the closet is in my buddies basement in his room. no cutting holes in walls for ventilation! probly gona do a couple DIY wallmart carbon filters. im sure wel figure something out. its a good move cuz right now theres lights and wires all over the place. hps will eliminate this also giving motivation to put more time and effort into setup. but we dont plan on going any more than 6 plants. too paranoid. its a hole new game compared too outdoors. so il be starting a new post/journal on the changes from cfl --> hps. mid way. anyone feel free to help me out


Active Member
Hi Canadian.Bud21.Just thought i'd chime in on this problem.Had the same deal going on with my closet grow awhlie back. I was useing 48" floro's(2 bulbs in each) had a total of 400w's from 5 fixtures. Any-way,( i tend to ramble on a little when i'm BUZZ'd) lol sorry...but, i only had about 48" of total growing height,so i was actually forced to Bend my 1 overly tall plant. In the end,it really worked out well!I've attached a pic to show you the results. There were acyually 2 main colas that needed to be "bent". In the third week of flowering you want to be as careful as possible.As the main stem may have already gottin pretty stiff.Do it slowly. Over a weeks time or so.I just used string and bread ties to make the tie-downs.Do a slipknot loop on both ends,then tie the bread ties to each loop. That way you can adjust the tension from either end, by slideing the knot up or down. Hope this helps,and...Good Grow'in!
VERY nice floro grow dude! thanks


VERY nice floro grow dude! thanks
Your very welcome, and thanks for the compliment! That was my very first grow.and i put quite a bit of effort and tlc into that grow. I'm currently into the 7th week of flowering of the 1rst gen. clones form those same plants. This time i'm using a 600w hps on the canopy, with floros on each side to help fill in any gaps.I'm pretty excited to see just how much more resin this light will produce!
Here's a couple of pic's.Sorry about the color.(hps) Btw..please post some pic's so i can see what you come up with.Good Grow'in!!



Active Member
good work man. i didnt know floros can yeild that much. but yea il definitly post pics when i get all my equipment. il need help and idea's too. im also gona try 12/12 from seed. lookin foward to this big time. 7 days til HPS :)

Sexxxy Beast

Active Member
i had the same probs with my current grow, and someone told me about supercropping, and i did it, and i love it... and it worked out great, and my plant bounced back quickly, like within twelve hours or so.. i checked out a few videos on supercropping on you tube, and just did what i saw on the vids, and had great results.
check it out for youreslf, and give it a try.. i gained about 18 inches or so from one time doing it..
i agree you should have bushed your plant its very scrawny indeed. My node spacing is at 1/2 to 3/4ths of an inch. Hacking the top makes your side branches develop and thus slows the plant from growing too tall too fast. side light the hps and cfls you dont have room for top lights anymore.

Next time if you grow with cfls do what others did with cfls, they keep the cfl light much closer. Though I assume your next grow will be with 400w hps.