Huge problem


Active Member
everything i post is hypetheticle
some of my white widows and carmalicious plants started getting necrotic yellow circles on there leaves. i diagnosed them as being calcium and Mn dificient. so i added lime to raise the ph of the soil and foliar fed fertilizer with .05 % Mn and lime. This should have worked but it only got worse. now some of the leaf tips are yellowing and cracking and the new grouth has yellow spots too. whats wrong and what should i do. A ph meter should be on its way here in a few days. The yellow spots are around a 1 to 2 cm wide and are boarderd by a small brown rim. the plants are 23 days old in Miracle Gro potting soil and are under a 1000mh.


Well-Known Member
everything i post is hypetheticle
some of my white widows and carmalicious plants started getting necrotic yellow circles on there leaves. i diagnosed them as being calcium and Mn dificient. so i added lime to raise the ph of the soil and foliar fed fertilizer with .05 % Mn and lime. This should have worked but it only got worse. .
It "should have" worked only if you guessed right and you obviously didn't.

You don't have a Manganese deficiency dude. You soil is fucked up. MG. Start over in some real soil that doesn't nute the heck out of your seedlings with high levels of unknown chemicals.


Active Member
thank you for your help but i really dont think it is nute burn. if i could show u a picture, which i can not, u would see it just doesent look like the examples of nute burn. it looks like a Ca deficiency. is it possible that i did not add enough lime anf my soil is still in Ca lockout due to low ph?


Well-Known Member
No, that doesn't make any sense to me. You are trying to get complicated when the answer is right there, but good luck.


Active Member
what do you mean. that i have nute burn from dilUted mg soil occuring on the inerior of the leaves in circles insead of the normal scorched leaf boarder characterisic of nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Why are you here if you are certain you know the answer? Just double up on the foliar feeding until the plants get better. Seems easy enough.


Well-Known Member
This should have worked but it only got worse.
whats wrong and what should i do.
A ph meter should be on its way here in a few days.
Theres your answer, and probably needed to have a pH meter right from the start.
I also concur with Picasso345, based on the info you have given us it looks like a combination of bad pH and bad soil.

One of the advantages of using a soiless mix is that you get to control your plants nutrient intake rather than depending on some slow release fertilizers not geared to grow weed.

The other thing with the soiless mix is that if things get fucked up you can flush out your nutrients and start again without stressing out your plants too much, whereas with the pre nuted soils, well in the first 4 or so weeks anyways, flushing will probably release more nutrients and double your problems.

The other thing I have experienced that may assist you in what you are seeing is that once the leaves go past the stage of going lime, and start to get holes and go yellow and cracky, they don't usually bounce back no matter how much you foliar feed them. If you can catch them before they get to that stage you can sometimes halt them going completely fucked.

But photos would help us give you a better assessment.


Active Member
Problem should be solved. It wasn't ph or nute burn unfortunately i can't tak epics but they were in plastic beer pong cups 8 or 12 ozes and were root bound i just transplanted them into something bigger.

Everything I say is made up and fictionally I am a chronic liar.


Well-Known Member
Those symptoms are not synonymous with root bound mate, ive got two root bound plants sitting outside my house and they do not show any signs of problems other than the fact I have to water them more times.

So I am assuming you tested the pH in order to discount that, in that case what was the pH of the run off from your root bound soil?


Well-Known Member
Problem should be solved. It wasn't ph or nute burn unfortunately i can't tak epics but they were in plastic beer pong cups 8 or 12 ozes and were root bound i just transplanted them into something bigger.

Everything I say is made up and fictionally I am a chronic liar.
Not roots causing this prob. Sounds like your Ph is way off. Take a look here and see if anything looks familiar:


Well-Known Member
Correcting lack of nutrients through standard waterings is very slow,if you want instant results within 3 days stop fukin around trying to pick a single nutrient,get a jar of Peters 30-30-30 & mix it 1/4 strength then foliar feed them once a night durring lights out,if there truly is a lack of micro or macro nutes the peters will correct the problem, as long as it's not too far gone.

And yes Miracle grow soil is fucked up,knowing what we know about soil & how the ph levels move around within the soil, adding nutes directly to the soil without having any idea of what the consumer is growing,or the plants specific needs is a recipe for sick plants,which is what most indoor growers get when they use miracle grow soil.

The Peters 30-30-30 will work if it's a nutrient problem as it's got them all.