HUGE strain guide!!! All kinds


Well-Known Member
These are my strains I am growing currently, i am adding for my own reference when needed.

Feel free to add strains you have, that this may be a huge collection of individual strains people have actually grew and have experience with.

This way a newb can find the person growing what they are and possibly ask that individual for personal advice on the strain, instead of making a new thread to just ask....."anybody know about the White widow strain?"...

Thanks guys have a good weekend!

Northern Light - Pure Indica and winner of the Indica strain 88, 89 and 1990; an absolute must for the indoor grower! Northern Lights dominated harvest festivals and many wonderful stains share its heritage. Through selective breeding we have succeeded in developing one of the most powerful plants in the world. Northern lights is highly adapted to indoor growing, compact, powerful, good yield and has exceptional resin production. Northern Lights is a most lucrative plant for the indoor grower. When it’s covered in snowy crystals of resin lights, it’s ready to harvest.
Genetics : 60% indica - 40% sativa
Info : Tropical resinous taste
Flowering : 8 weeks
Harvest : Year round
Height : 125 to 150+ cms.
Yield : 450+ grams per sq. meter

PPP - Pure Power Plant is a strong Sativa variety developed in the late 90’s from South African strains. PPP produces loads of crystal and has tremendous growth potential both indoors and out. Generally better results are obtained with outdoor cultivation in good conditions, if you’re a less experienced indoor grower. PPP is a high THC plant that’s why it’s called, Power Plant, in addition to its powerful growth. This variety gives you a soaring high. This is a very strong variety with loads of crystal and a very good yield. One of the strongest new kinds, very much wanted by growers of the white kinds of grass. Indica Sativa mix. Indoor / Outdoor / Green House
Flowering: 8 Weeks

White Widow - White Widow is one of a kind and winner of the Cannabis Cup in 1995! This plant is the strongest among the weed species. Has the highest percentage of THC !!! Also known as Snow White, A relatively short plant with high flower to leaf ratio it can do well indoor and outdoor. White Widow has a delicious aroma and sweet smooth fresh taste, as well as a serious high. Watch the flower maturing stage and harvest at the peak of white crystal formation which will cover the flowers. Avoid excessively cool damp conditions in the maturing phase. One of a kind, the winner of the Cannabis Cup '95. This plant is the strongest among the weed species. A short plant with rather large but few leaves. Compact with many exstremely THC-covered buds. Indica Sativa mix.

Indoor / Outdoor / Green House
Genetics : 75% sativa - 25% indica
Info : Deep powerful taste
Flowering : 8 weeks
Harvest : Year round
Height : 125 to 150+ cms.
Yield : 450 grams per sq. meter

Himalayan Gold-The five senses of Himalayan gold: Taste - fruity freshness that feels light, with a tang. Smell - a blend of Himalaya Alpine flowers with a hint of the Tropics. Visual - strong yellow hairs that are long and flat, misty crystal. Structure - set on a plane green bud, compact form with great size colas. Touch - small sticky crystals fill this plant's flowers, so the feeling is a sticky sweetness. The stone is a very creative high. Great for a happy day. Gets the flow of new ideas coursing through your head in a very fluid way. This plant is a wonderful cross between Himalayan hybrid and south India.
Awards: Not yet introduced in competitions. One of the most acclaimed outdoor plants ever, winner of many private harvest festivals worldwide.

Genetics: Nepal and North Indian.

Effect: Very creative high, very strong body feeling.

Flowering indoor: 8- 9 weeks with a yield between 600 and 1000 gr/sqm.

Flowering outdoor: Ready by the end of September in the Northern half of the globe; in the Southern hemisphere in April.

THC: 15%
CBD: 1.4%
CBN: 0.5%


Well-Known Member
Great idea.

VENUS (or Venus Flytrap)

Venus Flytrap is another one of our new, high-production Skunk strains. She tends towards the Sativa side, giving her a longer stature and a more active buzz. Bred with commercial interest in mind, Venus is sure to keep both customers and growers very happy. Venus Flytrap produces a classic sweet skunky scent and long, easy-to-trim buds.

The long statured Venus is 100% female, a new production skunk developed with the commercial grower in mind. This variety is sire to keep everyone happy with her active buzz, sweet skunky smell and long, easy-to-clean buds.

Venus is a combination of a consistent, stable Pure Power Plant and a strong Top 44 female that was forced to produce male flowers using giberellic acid. The Pure Power Plant (PPP) is one of the most well known and widely available commercial strain in Europe. Developed in the late 1990s from South African and Dutch strain, PPP proved to have terrific flowering potential in the indoor garden scene and has become a staple of Dutch growers. Coffeehous patrons appreciate PPP's upbeat buzz and light pine-tree scent.

Top 44 is another wildly successful commercial plant that display minimal branching, a pungent skunkiness, and a satisfyingly rapid grow cycle. Her easy-to-control has made Top 44 desirable for indoor or balcony growers, and a natural choice for sea of green setups.

The result of this union is an ideal indoor 50/50 hybrid that yields dew-dusted buds after 8-10 weeks of flowering. Venus grows well outdoors in Spain and Great Britain, where she finishes in October. In indoor grows, modest heights of 3 feet can be expected when flowering is induced at 1 foot.

While Venus naturally takes on the traditional candelabra structure, Nirvana recommends pruning away her spindly bottom branches and retaining her top five limbs, staking them in a sea of green style, with 16 plants per square meter. Indoors, hydroponics systems will deliver the best volume and a more dense carpet of glands. Venus can handle a very high EC and therefore should be pushed to achieve her full potential. The cured Venus buds have a curious aroma that is decidedly skunkish, and an agreeable level of potency that reaches both body and mind in a soothing yet wakeful way - a kind and balanced stone.

Sativa 50 / Indica 50
Origins - Pure Power Plant x Top 44
Flowering - 56-70 days
Harvest - Late October

Nirvana Ltd.

The average height of the plant when grown normally.

Height: medium


Regular or feminised seeds

Regular/Female: feminised


The type of effect this variety will have when smoked.

Effect: All-round effect


Most suitable for indoor or outdoor cultivation

Indoor/Outdoor: indoor

THC Content:

The amount of THC in this strain.

THC Content: medium; 8 to 15%

Flowering Weeks:

The number of weeks the plant flowers after germination.

Flowering Weeks: 11 or fewer weeks

Yield (S.O.G.):

This strain's yield in dried grams per square meter (approximately 9 plants) in an SOG (Sea of Green).

Yield (S.O.G.): 475 to 575g

The difficulty rating for successfully growing this strain.

Difficulty: moderate



Well-Known Member
bump. . .dump.

All the links from the first post are dead.
Do you know an alternative location for them?


Well-Known Member
The original links i posted here seem to be dead
Doing a Google search i found many strain guides even breaking down the medical strains more in depth.

Go with Google :)

For this thread i will be keeping it as a place to log the strains i have grown. This way i can note if i find the pheno matching the breeder picture or not, and also note my experiences with each strain......

So let the list continue :)


Well-Known Member
1 of my newest strains from my last order, (and the rest to follow).... is Silver Kush.

[h=1]Silver Kush (Reserva Privada) :: StrainReview :: Indoor[/h]
[h=2]Plant-Profile about Silver Kush (by Reserva Privada)[/h]
This Plant-Profile was generated by 3 single profiles, particular thanks goes to: llcooluu; Hashpapy; BigNose
[h=2]Information about the growth of the plants:[/h]
Flowering Time Indoor:
Between 60 an 64 days (Average: 62 days.)
Stretch after the initiation of flowering:
~ 267 Percent
Initiation of flowering onto around 35 cm. - Final Height onto around 125 cm.
Growth Behavior:
Like a christmas tree
; Strong; Fast
Side Branches:
a lot of
slightly above average length
as well as
very strong and vigorous

The plants of this Cannabis-Strain... not need much care.
...are tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...need much fertilizer.
...are not vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are not susceptible to mold.
...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
...have no problems with low temperatures.
...have no problems with high temperatures.
...need a lot of room upward.
...are well suited for a SoG (See of Green).
...are a good choice for beginners.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation. many, thick buds on the side branches.
...should be supported into the flowering period. (Nets, JoJos, Bamboo-Sticks).
[h=2]Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness[/h]
Yield / Quantity: The crop of this strain is insane high and absolutely top yields.
Buds / Leaves: The ratio of buds to leaves is very good.
Bud Structure: The dried buds are very hard and very compact.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed is very strong and long lasting.
Tolerance Built: extremely slow tolerance education.
[h=2]The taste / flavour of this variety recalls onto / is[/h]

Taste / Flavour

Sweet; Sour; Spicy; Pine; Hashish; Microbiological; Earth[h=2]The aroma / smell of this variety recalls onto / is[/h]

Aroma / Smell

Sweet; Spicy; Herbs; Pepper; Cinnamon; Sandalwood; Pine[h=2]The weed effect[/h]

Effect / Effectiveness

Head; Uplifting; Relaxing; Thought provoking; Psychedelic; Body;Calming; Couch Lock; Narcotic; Appetizing[h=2]General Impression[/h]
Silver Kush (Reserva Privada)
is all together extremely good and very recommendable
(On average 9 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)
[h=2]Additional Information[/h]
BigNose saysat the 24.08.2013, 01:00:I did 4 x Silver Kush on my second grow under a 600w HID in a 1m x 1m x 1.8m (h) tent. My advice would be to veg for 4-6 weeks (or 12"-15") maximum and LST and Top/FIM early to avoid outgrowing smaller environments as they like to stretch upwards and outwards. These were great plants to grow with all 4 slightly different in taste, colour and high. One of them in particular had a really hazy grapefruit flavour to it and a real sativa like high. The other were definitely more indica like but maintained a nice hazy undertone from it’s Silver Bubble lineage. Will definitely do this one again, much better results than other strains from the same grow.​