HUH? What does this mean??

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
flushing is to flush your system or medium with plain water

nuteing is adding fertilizer or nuttients


Well-Known Member
flushing is when you perpously over water to get all the nutrients out of the soil

nuting is adding essential nutrients to the plant

i can probably get you some better definitions..... if you want


Active Member
ohh, thnx (: what is the reason for flushing? and how often shud u nute, my plants are breaking off into branches and thats when i hear u start to nute


Active Member
you can start to use nutrients after about 2 weeks. starting at half strength.
and the reason for flushing is to get rid of the chemicals in the bud so it tastes clean and smooth.
you do that about 1 week before you chop.


Well-Known Member
If the guy asking the original question cant be bothered to check out one of the many grow guides on this site, why the hell would you expect anyone to not poke a little fun at him. Besisdes, we all know there is always somebody who has nothing better do do than hold some lazy noobie's hand. MY HERO!!!
But, what else would you expect from a guy with more than 5500 posts in nine months. lol