
facetime me bro. Unless you sit on your own dick.
Sounds like you know him better then me.

Like it's hard to figure it out.

I mean, offering a totally illegal hookup and then saying you don't need a VPN when everyone knows these dodgy "services" are on the Hollywood shit list? The standard of his posting? Come on, it's obvious he makes Maxine Waters look coherent...
Like it's hard to figure it out.

I mean, offering a totally illegal hookup and then saying you don't need a VPN when everyone knows these dodgy "services" are on the Hollywood shit list? The standard of his posting? Come on, it's obvious he makes Maxine Waters look coherent...
I think I like you. Very high IQ I can tell.
Thats what i thought u broke dumb fuck get the fuck outta here, you too broke to spend $5 too see for your self what a loser

While your on here trying to make money. I could of swore you were the loser here.....hmmmm

Have any hot relatives?
you would im done ur a waste of time u puss u a internet tuff guy anyone can do that ur comebacks are gay as hell and u wont even go face to face ur prob some little 12 yr girl haha all this time on the interwebs u would think that u would of learned how to get accounts but ur too fuckin stupid and waste all your time after school on here. well if u wanna ever show ur face like a real man hmu @ [email protected] otherwise go suck my cock

Did you get my dick pics?