Human rights and freedom are just words


Well-Known Member
There's no more points of view when your only thought is food. The bible has been replaced with a survival guide, that uses perishables instead of parables, because there's no stories left to preach. There's no life lessons left to teach anyone, so, why bother? Who are we? Are we the intellects or the insects? We're not the ones who will ever know the answer. It's impossible for us to imagine what is right in front of us. I guess that's what makes us think we're human.

But, being human only lets us see a little farther than animals. Feel depression from spending most of your life working? Try chemicals! Chemicals make everything better. Hate, love, morality. They're just chemical reactions.

Are we just chemically imbalanced ants on chemically fueled rants? It really just comes down to sex and power. I bet the last man standing - the last human on this planet, the last person on the earth doesn't give a shit or has any idea that he or most likely she is the last one.

The last person on this planet will fuck the dead and die thinking not about why didn't anyone care, but why her life was so unfair.

It is time, it needs to be said. I'm sorry to be the one to inform you, but man and woman kind has unfortunately been pronounced dead.
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