Human shit for fertilizer?


Active Member
Lincoln logs as a soil dressing, and Mississippi mud pies as a growth spray after those harsh hot taco nights.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Almost any fertilizer (mineral or "organic based") is superior to using human feces. 1. It is anyone's guess as to the ratio of NPK and open to wild speculation. 2. Handling feces exposes you and anyone around to the potential risk of contracting Hepatits C, pink eye and staph. infections. 3. It is most importantly just plain stupid....
If Someone with STD'S fed Spunk to a plant do you reckon it could be passed on ? would be some funny shit to sell some climida weed


Well-Known Member
HEP C is a blood born disease
And? Blood is often carried in the stool.

....... What would happen if someone tried to make edibles out of this stuff. Definitely a chance of ending up with all sort of communicables. This idea was just started to illicit responses. The OP must be a kid, he couldn't grow a mustache let alone a Cannabis plant.


Active Member
I read this book once...

There was a part where the main character unknowingly ate strawberries that had been fertilized with human shit and they got so sick they almost died....true story

So if you want to smoke, get sick and almost on i suppose