Human Urine


Well-Known Member
For only that reason. If it's something you don't mind then I guess it's ok. I flush every week just to make sure there are no build ups in the soil from anything I feed them. Better safe then sorry, wouldn't want the roots to lock up. If you do the same thing then I guess the smell wouldn't be so bad.
I don't care about the smell. Infact I don't smell any of my urine. I have an inclosed closet grow room. Still all I smelll is weed. So far I used urine two times and the plants really perk up and the leaves turn greener.


Well-Known Member
Human waste has metals in it that's going to be hard to flush out of the plant. All that info is not on something that is going to be smoked. BIG difference than eating something grown with it. You have to remember, when you read about ferts and stuff, Cannabis is one of the few plants that we consume by smoking. It makes a difference on how it burns and taste. It's like people always taking about using molasses on their plants. It works great and is healthy for the plants, but the nutrients in molasses don't flush out easily, and if you use it up to harvest, it wil effect the flavor negatively. Metals in ferts make a difference when smoked, so be careful!


Well-Known Member
That's right too! If it was such a great thing to do to your cannabis plants, more hippies would be pooping and pissing on their plants, and they don't. hahahha
Whatever rocks your boat - but urine contains SALT which is toxic to non-marine plants.


Well-Known Member
In the middle ages, when nearly everybody worked on the land, virtually every dwelling had a dungheap. Human and animal dung would be piled on, until it was large (or smelly) enough. It was then covered and allowed to rot for a year, after which it would be dug into the land. Poo makes a good fertiliser, probably the best, certainly the most natural, but it must be well rotted.


Well-Known Member
i cant see feces or urine being very sanitary for indoor growing. there is also a 2 year old thread on this debate on here that is still going.
Hmm this is good news to me, my place of living which includes my place of growing has burst water pipes so I just been flushing the toilet with buckets of water. However my plants are located in my bathroom and I always wondered if the urine smell would affect the plants at all. Now I guess I could just piss in one of my buckets and use that as my watering agent.

Now before everyone judges calling me a sick bastard for not flushing. I live on a lake and I live in a separate house from my old folks so its not all bad I just keep the bathroom door closed and gather water from the lake to flush.


Well-Known Member
In the middle ages, when nearly everybody worked on the land, virtually every dwelling had a dungheap. Human and animal dung would be piled on, until it was large (or smelly) enough. It was then covered and allowed to rot for a year, after which it would be dug into the land. Poo makes a good fertiliser, probably the best, certainly the most natural, but it must be well rotted.
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that the diets were predominantly grain based. I don't think carnivore feces is nearly as good a fertilizer as herbivore feces...
I am an organic Gardener. I use Urine on all my plants as a fertilizer.I water it down but don't measure exactly how much I use. It would be very difficult to damage your plants with this.You would be more likely to damage them by over watering than you would with the use of urine. Plants love it!!!
I believe that we are all sold stuff that we don't need. We are much better equip naturally to survive than we realize. All these bottles of potions and lotions we are told that we need. Its just Babylon money making scam that's spoiling the earth.
I use urine in my watering can and Worm casts, seaweed nutrient, Molasses as fertilizer. I make my own compost from garden and kitchen waste.
Sometimes I make a fertilizer out of nettles.; Just common nettles In a 5 litre water bottle fill with water and leave for a few weeks.Added watered down to your watering can plants love this too.
To keep the slugs at bay I scatter broken egg shells and old coffee grounds around my plants which they Hate and to keep the bugs at bay a spray of Garlic water once in a while as a deterrent. My plants look beautiful !!
It feels very rewarding to know I have grown my plants in a totally natural way


Well-Known Member
Hey, one time I was super drunk and I pissed in the closet. Now if there was plants in there, I could have been helping them! LOL


Well-Known Member
Nice. I've been peeing in circles around my plants to keep deer away. I didnt think it was viable fertilizer. sweet deal. Keep the cheap beer comin.


Well-Known Member
well Im appalled that someone would be so quick to do that i mean theres even a saying. "don't shit where you eat" , but damn i dont care if quality nutes cost money
I agree, are you guys oblivious to the valiue of bud? OH NO! 200 bucks on nutes for the summer i'm crying!!!!!!!!!!


What are you trying to prove?


Well-Known Member
I agree, are you guys oblivious to the valiue of bud? OH NO! 200 bucks on nutes for the summer i'm crying!!!!!!!!!!


What are you trying to prove?
Well their is place for pee other than as a fertilizer. If your growing outdoor and you dont want a visible fence around your crop because of helicopters, than you have to resort to other methods to kept vermin and deer away. Such as insecticide dust circles, and peeing around your plants. It sounds primal but it works. I guess fertilizer is an added bonus


Well-Known Member
nothing new but its still useful to know, i add a lil piss once in awhile in my soil compost w/ a dash of fish emulsion... lolz, nasty recipe ;P