Humanity this is your wake up call

Humanity this is your wake up call. You are called into the Kingdom of Heaven. If you do not begin to Love the entire world with the effortless abundance that fills your heart you will perish.

If I can help you reach enlightenment just reply here or inbox me; you have no idea how sweet it is to be free.
Open your eyes. You're a fool to believe that's possible. How about you move to a Muslim country and spread your love.

Open your eyes. You're a fool to believe that's possible. How about you move to a Muslim country and spread your love.
My eyes are wide open, I told my buddy Kevin once "I have eyes that see", he said so do I, I said then all you have to do is open them. If the light does not have the power to change the world then nothing does. Open your eyes this is paradise; all of your mind made suffering is needless, it's an illusion, there is nothing wrong in the Eternal Present. Not only is it possible it is a vital step in our evolution and is necessary for the survival of humanity. It's ok, even the survival of humanity itself is not important, pain is fleeting and death is nothing to be afraid of. I've taught enlightenment to Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Gypsies I am a warrior for all humanity.
My eyes are wide open, I told my buddy Kevin once "I have eyes that see", he said so do I, I said then all you have to do is open them. If the light does not have the power to change the world then nothing does. Open your eyes this is paradise; all of your mind made suffering is needless, it's an illusion, there is nothing wrong in the Eternal Present. Not only is it possible it is a vital step in our evolution and is necessary for the survival of humanity. It's ok, even the survival of humanity itself is not important, pain is fleeting and death is nothing to be afraid of. I've taught enlightenment to Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Gypsies I am a warrior for all humanity.
Today you will be with me in Paradise, so fear not, you will die in a state of grace. Remember pain is temporary but glory is forever. Resist not evil. The warlords of this world will unleash war if their agendas see fit, just as they did in WW1 and WW2, it is only a matter of time, the horsemen are sharpening their swords. The only hope is that humanity will recognize it's own insanity and snap out of the spell of time and live in perfect peace in the Eternal Present. Let down the ring of power; let down the ring of time, it does not serve you it serves against you. The power that lies in the now is your only true power, and it is very powerful, and the power is Love.

The Eternal will is Love.
You will receive the kingdom like a child or you will not receive it at all. JC

The kingdom is like a house, and the house is anchored to the rock, and the house is built with great care, perfectionists were the engineers and carpenters of this house, and the house resonates a feeling of peace bliss and love, there are no sinners and saints in this house, no such thing as good and evil. It is cold out there come into the house of god is all I'm saying.

It may come to the sinner before it comes to the Saint, but not necessarily. JC
If you are attempting to wake up humanity, what are you waking them up to, New age?
That we can all repent if we trust in JC? That, if we raise our positive energy we will ascend to higher plains?

I've got no doubt that absolute truth transcends into the metaphysical, but...

We need to get real about our situation and that involves taking a cold, hard look at the shit show that this world has become.
# How has it become this way?
# what can we do about it
# what are some of the lessons we should learn from it
Life is like a one out grow ..We can use the same basic ideas.... but our unique DNA some how allows us to bend it slightly.. ( something you do or do not do )...... change is choice....... freedom a choice ? religion a choice ?
If you are attempting to wake up humanity, what are you waking them up to, New age?
That we can all repent if we trust in JC? That, if we raise our positive energy we will ascend to higher plains?

I've got no doubt that absolute truth transcends into the metaphysical, but...

We need to get real about our situation and that involves taking a cold, hard look at the shit show that this world has become.
# How has it become this way?
# what can we do about it
# what are some of the lessons we should learn from it
Hey what's up buddy good to see you on here. What if we could change our perspective? Would that change our reality. I was once so depressed that I was afraid I was going to kill myself, bc I thought that same way about the world, what hell I was suffering. I was apart of the madness, the collective human consciousness, but I broke free, now I can see the madness quite clearly; "the recognition of insanity is the rising of sanity" Tolle.

In order for the human race to return to grace it must recognize it's own insanity, that starts not by looking at just the collective but by looking at your own self, self reflection is key in this transformation of consciousness. It is a structure of the ego to blame others and make others wrong, I'm not saying you're wrong I see what you are saying and can appreciate that wisdom, but if we focus too much on the problem we may never find the solution, strictly my opinion.
I was once asked if I thought the socialist party was the best thing to happen to Germany? This was my response.

The socialist party was formed and backed by nations such as Britain and France and possibly the United States, Russia and Japan, they did this in accordance with Hitlers already rising popularity and his obsession with arian superiority, which was a minority and would create lots of space.

Mass unemployment, of which Germany was the hardest hit. War creates both industry and population reduction. The leaders of the world super powers backed the socialist party so that Adolf Hitler could enact the plan that would lead Germany and the rest of the world out of the great depression, WW2.

If humanity approaches it's boundaries again it will lead to mass unemployment, this will cause a global economic crisis. If this happens the leaders of the world superpowers will devise a plan to plunge humanity into WW3, they will do this because they realize it is now humanities only hope for survival.

Unfortunately when you open pandoras box it releases all of the evils of mankind, leaving only hope inside, it very well could unleash armaggeddon. The guns those armies hold are massive, they could bring a fire that would scorch the entire earth.
It is in your hearts humanity; lay this demon to rest. Come child; be born again into this world. Come and dine with me in Paradise, all of your fear, anger and suffering will vanquish, the darkness can not survive the light. It takes time and practice, but it will come, at first it is like walking on water, but with practice it will become like walking on solid ground.
What is evil, what is good? Everybody says something differently. So much search for "the truth".

Some time ago Popper raised an interesting idea. He basically layed out a rational that stated that theories which claim to be the absolute truth are wrong right from the start. Or, better: invalid. And that a proper theory always includes room for rational critic = ie. it COULD as well also be wrong under certain aspects or different situations.

The advantage of such a *methodology* over dogmatic and self-immunitized approaches is that if something is open for critic then these fields, by all means, will be always in a state of development just like human life itself is also always in a state of flux.

In other words, we need more practical tolerance and less empty phrases.
Ok, forget about the truth, and let go of that critic inside your head. Can you stop thinking? Have you found the off button for your mind? Please believe me it is very liberarating and that is the only reason I want to share my thoughts with you. There is no ego in my agenda here.

There is no such thing as an off-button to the mind. And stopping to think equals death. Though most likely you want me to refrain from reasoning.... that would be a pity. This is a "humanity wake up call"-thread. Making abstract rational thoughts is what we can do best. No other animal has such impressive frontal lobes as our brain. The latest in evolutionairy biotech merely ~70k years old. Suddenly men painted fantastic creatures never seen of at cave walls, made artificial fire and designed tools for hunt and conquest. And all that in times of great turmoil after a major volcano explosion in todays Indonesia?Burma? caused a 5-6 year long ice age which reduced mankind's number to no more than 2.000 individuals. We got incredible lucky in the past.