Humboldt County Gravity, anyone use it?

ive been growing nirvanas northern lights for what seems to be ever. got that NYC D bean and figured what the heck, it was a male so now i have this. i also recently got my hands on some hijack beans. gonna give those a try real soon, those are soposed to be pretty sativa-ish as well.
seems like everyone and they moma got some free hijack or raft beans but me lol

First grow, DWC ... used gravity... added week 4 of flower (because I'm a newb). Ran it for 12 days at 1.5 mL/ gallon. Used 20% nutes.

Then I had 100% nutes, no gravity for 7 days.

Then I used gravity again during week 6 and 7, again 20% nutes. 1.5 mL/ gal on the gravity. Ran 9 days this time.

I saw amazing results from the second application (closer to when you are recommended to add it). My buds exploded and they are rock hard.

Start very slowly... you can always add more. Raise the lights to be safe... I raised mine, but found that I could keep them at the same height (400w hps + 250w mh 6 inches off the tips).

Good luck... if you do it right it should make you very happy.

Oh, and one more thing... After I messed up giving too early I wrote to Emerald Triange (makers of gravity) to ask what I should do. Phil (from ET) told me that many of their cutomers start using the Gravity week 5 of flower and run until the end... (and judging from his tone I don't think he was just trying to sell more gravity)
Oh, and hey Filty and Slick... I don't think it is that gravity itself is hot... just that it boosts the uptake ability of the plant, so in essense it is making your normal nutes real hot... that's why you use less nutes with the gravity.

I'm not trying to tell you guys anything as you are more experienced, just trying to offer a newb's perspective on the whole thing.
Oh, and hey Filty and Slick... I don't think it is that gravity itself is hot... just that it boosts the uptake ability of the plant, so in essense it is making your normal nutes real hot... that's why you use less nutes with the gravity.

I'm not trying to tell you guys anything as you are more experienced, just trying to offer a newb's perspective on the whole thing.

all of this i already knew, but i never put it together that way. good lookin out.

ive actually been pushing it to see how strong i can have my nutes with the gravity. im at 50% gravity dose w/50% nutes and lookin good!
Like witrh my fox farm nutes when I add fulkl strength gravity my ppm is right around maxed 1500 ppm but I have never had any issue with full strength gravity just gotta watch the purple max though
I'm going to pick up some purple max for my next grow... what strength do you use it at?

Also, bushmaster... you use that only during the veg stage correct? I guess my question is I've got some clones that are getting to be a good size (10"), I am going to switch to 12/12 in 5 days... I haven't used BM yet but was thinking of getting some this weekend. Is it too late to effectively use the BM... should I hold of on the BM till next grow?

The op lucked out... he just asked about gravity and he's getting the full rundown of all the HCO products.
Use the bushmaster right as going to flower or first week of and it will pretty much stop upward growth and begin to fill out. I added mine at first week flower and it stopped them gewtting taller at just 1-2 inches for flower. The purple max I run at about half strength for just a day maybe 2 right before a res change
Use the bushmaster right as going to flower or first week of and it will pretty much stop upward growth and begin to fill out. I added mine at first week flower and it stopped them gewtting taller at just 1-2 inches for flower. The purple max I run at about half strength for just a day maybe 2 right before a res change

i use my BM just before the flip, 5 days at 1ml a gallon.

FF- you run your PM in the res? i always foliar'd it, seems like id go through a whole lot more if i used it in the rez.
yup always goes in the res. Since you only use it once maybe twice a grow doesnt use that much . figure 50 gallon res or the smaller 30 gallons I use. I have never foliar used it as I am a believer in as little foliar spraying as possible
Hers a post by some of its sellers giving the suggested amounts and even adding molasses with it...

DIRECTIONS: GRAVITY can be applied alone or with regular nutrients. Plants should be healthy and not stressed at the time of application. Nutrient concentration should be reduced by 1/3 when applying this product. If plants are grown under HPS lighting, lights should be raised 6-12 inches.
SOIL: Use 1 teaspoon (5 mL) per gallon of water and apply for two consecutive waterings beginning about 3 weeks before the end of the flowering cycle. Or use 2 teaspoons (10 ml) per gallon of water and apply once.
HYDROPONICS: Use approximately 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and run for 5-12 days beginning about 3 weeks before finish. Due to great varaibility among hydroponic systems, a good rule of thumb is to run larger doses for a shorter period of time and smaller doses for a longer time.
Sometimes better results are obtained by adding 2 heaping tablespoons of molasses per 25 gallons of water.
I just shot Doc at emerald Triangle a message to see what kind of thoughts he had on usgae and tricks. See wat he has to say also asked if he was going to release a full line of nutes. i will post when I hear back what he says
it looks like they have a VERY full linup ready for purchase at you favorite hydro shop(i shoulda been in marketing!)

they have a 2-part, a 3-part, sea-cal, sea mag, flavorful, some shit called natural grow & bloom, humbolt honey hydro carbs, humbolt honey organic es, myan microzyme, duece duece (0-0-22!), verde, humbolt prozyme myco madness soluble, myco madness granular, and bid up powder.

sorry boys, im no photographer.




Not sure... but I think "Humboldt County" is a brand of nutrients... and "Humboldt County's Own" is a different brand.

It's a bit off topic, but I foliar spray with Dutch Master liquid light every 3 days up till week 4 flower, and I swear the stuff does amazing things. I haven't run a control to tell if it actually does anything though.

It's good to hear I can still use the Bush master this time around. I'm also growing Purple kush, so we'll see if the purple maxx doesn bring out any of the purple.

Thanks for the info guys.
Not sure... but I think "Humboldt County" is a brand of nutrients... and "Humboldt County's Own" is a different brand.

It's a bit off topic, but I foliar spray with Dutch Master liquid light every 3 days up till week 4 flower, and I swear the stuff does amazing things. I haven't run a control to tell if it actually does anything though.

It's good to hear I can still use the Bush master this time around. I'm also growing Purple kush, so we'll see if the purple maxx doesn bring out any of the purple.

Thanks for the info guys.

they are right next to each other in my catalog but your right there is a name difference.

i use dutch masters max-fx bloom foliar. concentrates on trich development and less on growth.
Experimentation time with the bush master. I have 2 dwc's, 2 clones and 3 clones. I am going to switch to 12/12 in 4 or 5 days. I am going to run Bushmaster in one of the tanks until the switch... then back to normal. The other tank I'll leave as is till the switch then run the BM for an equal time to the first.

I'm guessing it wont be that much difference, but we will see.

I'm going to run the BM with pure RO water, is that what you guys do?

I saw a picture of a plant a guy ran the BM on really really early then stopped. He had like 3 nodes in the first 2 inches out of the medium, then the next 4 nodes were each 4-5 inches higher.... crazy stuff.

I'll let you guys know what happens.
Not sure on the different name things. i know Emerald Triangle makes the stuff we are talking about. Got a responce to my email and he mailed me all the info on the new full line of products and now Im seeing if I can fanangle a free trial set of stuff in exchange for do some online promotions and usage posts for the stuff to help promote it all. Ton of stuff coming out. Cant wait to try thier rooting hormone for clones too. just did a gravity add 2 days ago to a grow went with about 4 oz of gravity to my 50 gallon of res solution which comes out to about what 2 ml per gallons. Did a 2 week from finish blast of fresh nutes with added beastie bloomz,ch ching,gravity,silica,grotek super H202, and for added measure 1 bottle of Grandmas molasses unsulphured. Used with my Fox farm nutes running a max ppm of right at 1650 and ph 5.8. Gonna let this run out til end should add some weight resign and finalize hardening of flowers
No he sent me a list of that stuff you posted and everything that was out and coming was like 40 items full line grow bloom flavor enhance,hormones, additives, acids, humics, everything. I just wanted to get a free sample of the main grow and bloom and the trio gravity bush and purple maxx and use them all together. The nutes are cheap as hell and organic. Less then $9 a qt bottle for the 3 parts each