Humboldt County's Own Gravity, Snow Storm Ultra, and Purple Maxx Snowstorm together.


Well I have bought all three products and was wondering what ratios would I use all three together? Obviously I would use less of each but I just don't know how much. I will also need the ratios for Foliar Feeding and Hydroponic set up. Also when do I need to start and stop.


Well-Known Member
I'll reply just so you know people are reading it at least.

I'll be honest, these are names I'm not familiar with.. I only use GH 3 part nutes, and clearex. but am familiar with alot of supplement's names from reading these forums.
Did you check their website for info? you could try emailing their support staff with your question.. they usually will tell you stuff like that pretty readily.
May be quicker too.
What's up Dr. White, well the first thing I can say is I have used all of these products, and they work great! So here is the thing, Snow Storm Ultra and Purple Max are actually the same thing. SSU doesn't have a supossed purple color additive, which really didn't do anything anyways. I have found the bes way to use these products is to foial feed with them. You can add it to you hydro set up too, but I have found it works best to foial feed. I use about 3-4ml per gallon, of the SSU/PM. And I spray my plants before the lights go off. I spray my plants 2-3 times a week. You just have to start slow, and see how they like it. I use SSU for most of the flowering phase. The last 3-4 weeks I switch over to gravity, same feeding. Gravity you only use for short time. Also a word of advise would be to cut back you nutrient level by 1/4 to 1/2 till you see how they react. Hope this help, they really are great products, the amount of cystals it will form will make you smile everytime you look at them, and graviy makes the buds swell. Peace


Well-Known Member
purple maxx snow storm, is like 50% snow storm. You'd be getting a double dose of snowstorm no matter how you use all 3