Humboldt Nutes advice


Active Member
Hello everyone, First off a little Info about my setup.

Plants: Chocolope (d-line), Blue Moonshine, Super Skunk, Purple Lady.
Soil: 3gal buckets, Frutolome Pro-Mix
Nutrients: Humboldt Organic Bloom, Grow, Deuce Deuce, and Humhoney.
Water: R/O water
Runoff PH: 6.2-6.8

A little back history, I started my 1st grow in Febuary. I was following the Humbolt Moderate feeding schedule with no problems at all for the first 5 weeks. I was using the 5ml/gal of Grow every watering usually giving roughly 1/2 gallon of water every time ( I didn't have the Humhoney for the 1st grow). The first week of Flowering I started a mix of 5ml/gal Grow, 5ml/gal Bloom, 1ml/gal Deuce Deuce. After 2 weeks of flowering my whole garden started to yellow and the older fan leaves began dying. I figured I had nute burned them due to the amount and how often I was using the nutes... so I stopped nuting and flushed my plants. The problem never stopped, eventually I scrapped the plants 1 week early and just smoked them.

So second grow starts, and I decide to cut my nutes by a 1/2 and only water every other time. As did the last grow everything went fine for the first 5 weeks. 1 week into flowering and everything is yellowing again... which started earlier than the last grow.

So I figured that during the 1st grow it wasn't Nute burn I was experiencing but my plants were lacking nutes that they needed for flowering due to the second grow yellowing faster...

I decided to hit my plants with the HEAVY feeding schedule at the same time on the schedule that I left off. 10ml/gal Grow, 10ml/gal Bloom, 3ml/gal Deuce Deuce, and 10ml/gal of Humhoney. I noticed that in the first week the buds had gotten a lot bigger.

Does this feeding schedule sound right for Organic nutes in soil? 10ml/gal Grow, 10ml/gal Bloom, 3ml/gal Deuce Deuce, 5ml/gal Humhoney. Feeding the nutes every week.

Humboldt Nute NPK's
Grow: 3-1-3
Bloom: 0-10-0
Deuce Deuce: 0-0-22
Humhoney: Molassis