Humboldt Seed Organisation, anyone try their seeds?

Ok Im going to say off rip, im sorry if you get offended...

You are trying to say that Arjan, the man who owns GreenHouse...doesnt make his own strains?!?!
Hahaha, Arjan slapped his name onto his Arjans haze 1,2,3 and Arjans Untra Haze 1&2 so that people would stop stealing the names of his OWN strains...

A little background info-Arjan's company, Greenhouse debuted White Widow, White Rhino, White Shark, El Nino, Big Bang, AMS, Church, Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Himalayan Gold, and The Doctor. Which means he was first to the table with his new strains...

Arjan didn't create those strains. He merely sold them. Shantibaba and Neville created most of those. And I have not read one glowing report on any strain with Arjan's name on it.

Who cares if he's a good businman? I will buy quality genetics from those that actually breed for quality. I don't buy from business men. Quality breeders care about their customers and creating a good end product that will reap benefits. Business breeders care about money. A quality breeder will in the end be more successful than a business breeder because the quality breeder will still have a fan base.

Look at Arjan now, after years of buying people it has caught up to him and even other breeders will not deal with him. Take your "DAMN GOOD BUSINESS MAN" shit elsewhere. We believe in quality and honesty.
Ok Im going to say off rip, im sorry if you get offended...

You are trying to say that Arjan, the man who owns GreenHouse...doesnt make his own strains?!?!
Hahaha, Arjan slapped his name onto his Arjans haze 1,2,3 and Arjans Untra Haze 1&2 so that people would stop stealing the names of his OWN strains...

A little background info-Arjan's company, Greenhouse debuted White Widow, White Rhino, White Shark, El Nino, Big Bang, AMS, Church, Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Himalayan Gold, and The Doctor. Which means he was first to the table with his new strains, which were leter copied by every seed company in the world, since most of those are Cannabis Cup Winners. Arjan is a DAMN GOOD business man, whether or not you like him. For shits sake, Rockefeller, yea the famous American in oil...was hated by everyone for running a ruthless monopoly, but you dont hear anyone bashing him now!

ALSO, using the name of a county in California shouldnt even be spoken of as a cant tax that shit. If youre not smart enough to look into their genetics and buy off a name, theres NO WAY youre bashing Greenhouse, because you must be using them a lot.

LASTLY, Emerald Triangle shouldnt even be mentioned next to Greenhouse and Arjan, must less mentioned if youre bashing Humboldt. Emerald Triangle is a bunch of people in Cali growing outdoor strains, in the outdoors with open air pollination. Not a select couple plants to breed, we'll just throw pollen wherever the wind takes it and to whatever plant it takes it to.

Thank you, and those "copycat" strains are some of the worlds best sellers, which makes them what...refined copycats

keep on researching... Because arjans name shouldn't be next to any of them strains. Arjan wouldn't know which way to put a plant in soil for fuck sake. Arjan lost most of greenhouse strains when the people who really created them left the cockroach company.
So when you go and smoke all these current day greenhouse strains that have such a big name like white widow, know it isn't the original anymore but an Arjan copycat rip off of someone else's product that he used to sell.

Arjan is marvelous at marketing and that's about all. We need people who are in it for the plant and before there own bank account
keep on researching... Because arjans name shouldn't be next to any of them strains. Arjan wouldn't know which way to put a plant in soil for fuck sake. Arjan lost most of greenhouse strains when the people who really created them left the cockroach company.
So when you go and smoke all these current day greenhouse strains that have such a big name like white widow, know it isn't the original anymore but an Arjan copycat rip off of someone else's product that he used to sell.

Arjan is marvelous at marketing and that's about all. We need people who are in it for the plant and before there own bank account

^yeah that. Arjan had fuckall to do with breeding all those strains. In the beginning it was all Shanitbaba. It was he who created all those not Arjan. Arjan is a business man and a douchebag, not a breeder.

The one thing you're right about is Emerald Triangle shouldnt even be mentioned next to Greenhouse and Arjan. Because Greenhouse fucking sucks while ET has some solid strains that come from great parent stock. Even if ET mislabels their strains or doesn't have accurate strain descriptions you're gonna find some fire in those packs. Can't say the same for GHS, a seedbank that's the laughing stock of the seed selling world.
Ok Im going to say off rip, im sorry if you get offended...

You are trying to say that Arjan, the man who owns GreenHouse...doesnt make his own strains?!?!
Hahaha, Arjan slapped his name onto his Arjans haze 1,2,3 and Arjans Untra Haze 1&2 so that people would stop stealing the names of his OWN strains...

A little background info-Arjan's company, Greenhouse debuted White Widow, White Rhino, White Shark, El Nino, Big Bang, AMS, Church, Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Himalayan Gold, and The Doctor. Which means he was first to the table with his new strains, which were leter copied by every seed company in the world, since most of those are Cannabis Cup Winners. Arjan is a DAMN GOOD business man, whether or not you like him. For shits sake, Rockefeller, yea the famous American in oil...was hated by everyone for running a ruthless monopoly, but you dont hear anyone bashing him now!

ALSO, using the name of a county in California shouldnt even be spoken of as a cant tax that shit. If youre not smart enough to look into their genetics and buy off a name, theres NO WAY youre bashing Greenhouse, because you must be using them a lot.

LASTLY, Emerald Triangle shouldnt even be mentioned next to Greenhouse and Arjan, must less mentioned if youre bashing Humboldt. Emerald Triangle is a bunch of people in Cali growing outdoor strains, in the outdoors with open air pollination. Not a select couple plants to breed, we'll just throw pollen wherever the wind takes it and to whatever plant it takes it to.

Thank you, and those "copycat" strains are some of the worlds best sellers, which makes them what...refined copycats

Many folks happily bash the Rockefellers these days. Probably more so than at any other point in history outside of the peak of their monopoly.

Arjan is primarily a seed reseller as well. Breeding isn't GHS number one priority. He's always resold other people's genetics. That doesn't mean he doesn't have some stuff he has Franco working on, but he certainly isn't a breeder himself. I'm not sure he ever really claimed to be either.

He's definitely a skilled businessman.
FIRST and foremost mcrandle did you see what i said earlier about your "intelligent" seed buying..i think its obvious your still sore about correction...

When I say theyre "HIS" strains I mean he OWNS them.

I will be more than glad to reply to everyone saying Arjan this those werent his strains..

Can ANY of you give me the spicific strains he claims he created, but didnt. as well as who did really create the strain?
-Now seeing that people are saying NONE of those award winning strains are his.(example-super lemon haze.i DGAF if he didnt make lemon skunk, he was the first to combine them both) that means that all of his strains are copycats and id REALLY like to know the REAL maker of ALL of the strains that everyones saying arent his. not just 1 not just 2...all of his "copycats"

NEVIL AND SHANTI WORKED AND OWNED GREENHOUSE WITH HIM! Those strains were developed BY ALL OF THEM. Im glad that people like to bash on strains that are not only TOP SELLERS but also CUP WINNERS BY GREENHOUSE. So WHY THE FUCK didnt these reaaaal breeders enter it or claim they were theirs...nope they handed them to greenhouse JUST like Horti-labs got starbud. created somewhere else, by someone else but they take the credit because THEY perfected it, THEY marketed it and THEY SPENT THEIR $$ and RISK to sell them.

Because youre a good businessman doesnt mean you dont have quality genetics.

^yeah that. Arjan had fuckall to do with breeding all those strains. In the beginning it was all Shanitbaba. It was he who created all those not Arjan. Arjan is a business man and a douchebag, not a breeder.

The one thing you're right about is Emerald Triangle shouldnt even be mentioned next to Greenhouse and Arjan. Because Greenhouse fucking sucks while ET has some solid strains that come from great parent stock. Even if ET mislabels their strains or doesn't have accurate strain descriptions you're gonna find some fire in those packs. Can't say the same for GHS, a seedbank that's the laughing stock of the seed selling world.

Ok so let me get this straight...there are no good genetics from greenhouse, because thats what you just said.
So theyre also a laughing stock after what 32 cannabis cups. now im wondering how theyre a laughing stock with so many title belts. it looks more to me like the "seed selling world" is quite a bit jealous.

the genetics you buy from greenhouse may as well be nevils n shantis work, but you know what...theyre still THEIR plants that hes reselling. if its like you said, and their genetics are all garbage then Apothecary,Nevil, and Shantis genetics are garbage...because he sells a lot of their stuff too.

i find it quite amusing when people dont unsderstand this is CANNABUSINESS...not CANNA-ME. If it wasnt for Greenhouse, you people wouldnt have anywhere near the amount of genetics available today. Its obvious to me that the complete legalization would HINDER America's capitolism because youd have SO many people that dont understand BUSINESS.

This is where you are wrong. Yes they were apart of the same company.. That doesn't make an individuals work someone elses property now does it.

If Arjan had anything major to do with creating and developing these strains then why the hell did he get left with fuck all??
It's a good read you can go through it yourself or I pulled out a couple of the relevant pieces referring to Shantibaba and Nevil and the strains they created and Arjan did nothing but sell...

-I ( shanti) came to Holland in 1990 with my seed stock I linked up with Nevil , and used Arjan’s coffeeshops to introduce strains of cannabis and a little later the seed versions, but we never gave any of the plants to him.Arjan just sold seed produced by Nevil and myself

-In 1995 I (shanti) came out with the seed version of White widow, then White Rhino 1996 and White Shark 1997…el nino1998 , Himalayan gold and so on. Nevil and I co worked on some Haze strains during the early to mid 90s of which Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze were two strains that eventually came out of this work.The seed was sold under the Greenhouse Seed co label but Nevil held those plants

Shantibaba - setting the record straight


Now to clear up the story and myths that go around, due mainly to people in the industry(other seed companies) who are more interested in making money than giving information that is correct. Haze brothers worked on the Haze’s and they did get to Sam and Nevil(owner of THE SEEDBANK…and then Ben Dronkers retailed Nevils strains under the label of SENSI SEEDBANK after Nevil had some jail time in Australia .Nevil was the first Seed Bank or company to exist in Holland so his legendary strains such as Northern lights 5, Ultra skunk , Nl5 Haze, Early pearl , Early girl, Shiva Skunk….and so on became the basis for a lot of offspring seed companies that followed in the 90s.

In fact companies like Dutch passion and Nirvana began by copying Nevils seeds from the F1 seed…but most of them would never say so as they are Dutch business men who see dollars first and not genetics….Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains together but when it was revealed that Sam and his crew of Americans in Holland all were part of informants for the DEA in America on a radio program in Holland they split to the UK to do other things. Sam never started or owned a seed company so his claim to all the strains that became famous years ago are not really warranted. He did however do a lot of work on Skunk and shared some seed with Nevil, but as you know for breeding you cannot just take any plant and make a strain like Greenhouse does nowadays. I was working in Australia on varieties like Mullumbimby madness and Thai and Columbia strains of sativas, as well as a lot of original Afghan stock. When I came to Holland in 1990 with my seed stock I linked up with Nevil , and used Arjan’s coffeeshops to introduce strains of cannabis and a little later the seed versions, but we never gave any of the plants to him.Arjan just sold seed produced by Nevil and myself. I co founded the Greenhouse Seed Company with Arjan in 1994(unlike Arjan’s claim it began in 1985 from him alone…he was angry that I sold my half share to him and left in 1998 to Switzerland and to open Mr Nice Seedbank with Nevil and Howard…but I was and still am the sole owner of MNS). In 1995 I came out with the seed version of White widow, then White Rhino 1996 and White Shark 1997…el nino1998 , Himalayan gold and so on. Nevil and I co worked on some Haze strains during the early to mid 90s of which Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze were two strains that eventually came out of this work.The seed was sold under the Greenhouse Seed co label but Nevil held those plants and only sold the seed of these varieties as well as the weed version that won all those awards.So as to help Arjan sell the correct weed we set up our own independent grow rooms and produced those weeds and Arjan bought them all so as no other Dutch shop could compete. In those days the Greenhouse sold the correct weed and seed.But in 1998 when I won all the cups with Nevil(including Shantibaba’s Hash for best nederhash) I was givien a better offer by a Swiss group to set up a medical cannabis farm and distil oil…so I sold my share to Arjan and left. A lot of people were shocked as they thought we were a solid unit but actually Arjan was over the top already with his success and his ego was too much to listen to and considering the Swiss thing had unlimited possibility where as Holland was stuck at being glorified dope dealers….as it still is today. Medical was more my interest.

I took all my plants which made the seeds, especially my fathers and Nevil put all his plants with me so together we had a library of all genetics possible in the cannabis world. Nevil soon sold his part in one of the coffeeshops and had a big problem with Arjan too…but it took another year or two for them to split. Take a look at the High times Cannabis cup after 1998, so 1999 onwards….only while Nevil was there did they win with SSH, but that soon left with Nevil and Arjan even got caught cheating or trying to bribe people to win cup…so was disqualified one year.

A lot of stories exist about the Widow family and a lot of people had access to some of the female versions I left in Holland and soon began claiming to be the creature etc….but the original seed versions that won the first cup in 1995 came from my plants not anyone else’s. Till today we have all the plants in original form. Franco, the Italian working for Arjan now does not even know the original plants as he did not come on the scene till after I left. I have nothing against him at all but he is paid by Arjan andis part of that show so believes what ever is feed to him. The GHSco tried to get things going by buying some seed Nev and I had for sale from a guy in Holland during this time. The guy called me up and told me Arjan bought a few thousand euros of this seed and a year later came out with seed under the well known names he had used previously. The growers could not know this until they grew it out and considering a lot of people never grew it before they did not even know what they were looking at and still do not.So many seed companies use the names like White widow but the genetics are all different. I wrote out the true origins of the plant and everyone copied that so it looks like everyone is selling the same genetics but it is they are all selling a name that sells…nothing more.Ask Franco to show you a photo of the original parents that make the widow…he cannot as he has never seen them.The Ghsco linked up with others like Ingemar who claims to be the widow breeder but he is only a grower and he never came out with a seed version until after I made it in 1995. But all the facts have become mixed and people try to confuse the grower by claiming things that no one else can prove to be correct or wrong…as there are no rules in the seed game since all cannabis is actually not recognized in the official plant world as sub species due to it being drug related. So in actual fact no one owns nothing…even all the trademarked R after the names you see from various seed companies are all bullshit as they are not really able to protect any names as the plants do not officially exist…but that is another story.

In the late 90s I gave plants to Soma, and he began a seed company a year later too…mixing his skunks to my males. This has occurred many times to me just look at the Spanish seed companies and 10 years ago…none existed until I went there in 1995 and gave away 3 kilos of seed to growers via Canamo magazine….but that is another story too.

Now the female seed story saved a lot of seed companies who never really breed seed as you only need a F1 female and chemicals….no need for a male… go figure why companies like the Greenhouse or Dinafem etc…set up selling female seed…..the money the demand and not really needing skill with males are all prerequisites to make a female seed. It is therefore obvious to me why Arjan (who is a very marketing person nothing more) and Franco come out every year with a new name plant…they buy an original F1 seed and donk it with silver nitrates and there you have there products…but now adays there are so many doing it it is incredible. Even companies have called me to tell me they feminised a clone of Critical mass in spain and call it critical plus….but say nothing more than thanks. So actually I really do not care any longer about other companies and what they say. We at MNS sell the real versions that won the original awards and made the legends…nowadays it is all confused and everyone is going feminised…except MNS. We exist so people who like to breed will be able to with the original true breed plants that come from selection and natural collection from traveling around the world. As they say, an empty barrel makes a louder noise…and we are full.

Ok so let me get this straight...there are no good genetics from greenhouse, because thats what you just said.
So theyre also a laughing stock after what 32 cannabis cups. now im wondering how theyre a laughing stock with so many title belts. it looks more to me like the "seed selling world" is quite a bit jealous.

the genetics you buy from greenhouse may as well be nevils n shantis work, but you know what...theyre still THEIR plants that hes reselling. if its like you said, and their genetics are all garbage then Apothecary,Nevil, and Shantis genetics are garbage...because he sells a lot of their stuff too.

i find it quite amusing when people dont unsderstand this is CANNABUSINESS...not CANNA-ME. If it wasnt for Greenhouse, you people wouldnt have anywhere near the amount of genetics available today. Its obvious to me that the complete legalization would HINDER America's capitolism because youd have SO many people that dont understand BUSINESS.

Yes, i'm saying GHS has shit genetics. The SLH is their only decent strain and when I ran it I was unimpressed. Their Shanti and Neville strains are just ripoffs. So no, they don't have their original strains just watered down garbage tagged with the same name. Shanti and Neville took their mothers and parent stock when they left the company. GHS White Widow for example is nothing compared to Mr. Nice's Black Widow. And cannabis cups!??! Seriously?!?! That cup has been rigged for years and the awards don't mean a thing. The cup is just for fun, not as a way to accurately judge strains.
A UK "breeder" is the first one with Blue Dream in seed? It makes me extremely skeptical. Not to mention the sketchy descriptions, I think these strains are imitations.
Update on the HSO Blue Dream (pics previously posted page 4 post #36).
This HSO Blue Dream freebie is now 6 weeks from dry seed and have completed the vegetation period and now will start flowering cycle. Here's some of todays pics, structure seems good, showing sex with vigorous growth, apx. 14" tall and strong. After 24hrs on darkness will begin the 12hr flowering cycle under a 1000w HPS. Will update in two weeks on progress we'll see how she performs.

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Ive got two of HSO's Blue Dream and Sour Diesel #2's among others in a journal, just hit 21 days of 12/12 after about 6 wk veg, if anyone is interested.
Ok Im going to say off rip, im sorry if you get offended...

You are trying to say that Arjan, the man who owns GreenHouse...doesnt make his own strains?!?!
Hahaha, Arjan slapped his name onto his Arjans haze 1,2,3 and Arjans Untra Haze 1&2 so that people would stop stealing the names of his OWN strains...

A little background info-Arjan's company, Greenhouse debuted White Widow, White Rhino, White Shark, El Nino, Big Bang, AMS, Church, Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Himalayan Gold, and The Doctor. Which means he was first to the table with his new strains, which were leter copied by every seed company in the world, since most of those are Cannabis Cup Winners. Arjan is a DAMN GOOD business man, whether or not you like him. For shits sake, Rockefeller, yea the famous American in oil...was hated by everyone for running a ruthless monopoly, but you dont hear anyone bashing him now!

ALSO, using the name of a county in California shouldnt even be spoken of as a cant tax that shit. If youre not smart enough to look into their genetics and buy off a name, theres NO WAY youre bashing Greenhouse, because you must be using them a lot.

LASTLY, Emerald Triangle shouldnt even be mentioned next to Greenhouse and Arjan, must less mentioned if youre bashing Humboldt. Emerald Triangle is a bunch of people in Cali growing outdoor strains, in the outdoors with open air pollination. Not a select couple plants to breed, we'll just throw pollen wherever the wind takes it and to whatever plant it takes it to.

Thank you, and those "copycat" strains are some of the worlds best sellers, which makes them what...refined copycats

"Refined copycats"? Sounds like a fancy name for a polished turd dude.

And do you really think Greenhouse has Chemdog or the "Arcata-cut Trainwreck" in seedform? Duh..

I've grown GH and it was shit. Everytime. Not a bash, just my experiences. Take a breather...

That being said, sorry for unintentionally jacking the thread everyone. That was not my intention to start this shit. I could have, and should have, named one of the other culprits whose name is not such an instant trollboner for friends' and foes' alike. I do not care for Euro-copies though. IMO it is part of the reason why you have seen a decline in the integrity and quality of production coming out of that part of the World.

When I saw that the "Humboldt Seed Organisation" was foreign I disagreed with the name choice. That'd be like starting the Jamaican Genetics Company and basing it out of downtown Cairo. Shit's just kinda weird. I think you're WAY off base with your assessment of people up here just being whatevers-clever-pollen-planters. It's a real industry up here and i'd invite you to check it out if you get the chance.
So far my experience with HSO has been positive. Have a pack of their blue dream but have no room to mess with her yet, but i have their Sour Diesel going atm and she's really nice for a freebie. Here she's around week 4-ish or 5-ish not sure as i dont keep track no more.
my first run with humboldt seeds, 15 og kush and 4 sour diesel, they are at 44 days from seed, lovely tight nuggs,nicely frosty

Hey ineverveg those look yummy, how did they turn out?

I planted 10 HSO Trainwreck fems in October, haven't got any pics of them, except this one pic of a cut I took about a month ago. Its around 2ft. tall. I don't recommend fem seeds for outdoors, the difference in growth rate compared to standards is pretty abysmal, I have 6 Cannaventure SinDiesel plants (c99 x NYC Diesel) that are the fastest growing strain I've ever seen, they were put in around November and are all 6ft plus now.
Anyhow I'll let you guys know in afew months time how they all work out.
