Humboldtchronic's 2012 Guerrilla Grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks and 36s total 10 in 20 gal holes 12 in 15 gal bags 10 in 10 gal bags and another 4 ima put in 15 gal bags ha shits gonna blow up did some work on my other plot today and hauled 10 bags of ffof im gonna have alot of weed if I pull this off lol.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Just go to the bottom of the page, click Go Advanced, then click on attachments (the paperclip)

F2H :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just cut it up with a knife and throw it around idk theres no option to add pics anymore like they changed the websites format I just got done setting up plot 2 and cant post a pic...


Well-Known Member
subbed up!

lookin good so far humboldtchronic.

36 is ALOT of outdoor plants guerrilla style. getting plenty of water to em is the biggest hurdle imo.

gl and can't wait to see the end result. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks doowmd and there all getting huge one is already 4 ft what you all think ill get from 36 plants lol like 10 to 15 pounds would be awesome and still trying to gigure out how to add pics dont see an option for it...