Humboldtchronic's 2013 Guerilla Grow!!


Well-Known Member
Ive heard some varying opinions. I have always topped or FIM'd my plants. Some say its not needed outdoors because the sun hits the entire plant. I like to see a plant grow in its natural form not interrupted by human manipulation but its also a sight forbthe eyes to see a big bushy plant, colas bursting out everywhere!!

Either way im sure youll have a bomb harvest



Well-Known Member
you just chop the top 1 or 2 sets of leaves at the stem off the plant. then wherever the next set of fan leaves meets the main stem there will be new branches that form and will now both be dominant colas. obviously not a good idea to top in flowering or right before flowering.. want to give the new tops a chance to grow a few sets of fan leaves so you get some nice big fat colas. i wait until i set new sets of leaves forming at the internode where the fan leaf meets the main stem before I top

some strains bush out well. but tall lanky strains tend to be ideal for topping... topping to keep the stretch down and to keep them short and bushy with dense colas.


New Member
I'm thinkin bout a low stress supercrop on the tops of mine , and lollipoppin the bottoms. They aren't really flowering yet.I forget what strains u have but some kush isn't good to do any pruning


Well-Known Member
Ya I think I'm just gonna let mine all go and see what happens I topped one of mine on accident it broke so I'll have 2 main colas ha but its deffinetly an idea to mess around with might do it to a couple still got like 10 more plants I haven't put in so gotta still get 10 more bags of ffof it never ends lol..


Active Member
Here are my three plants that I put out, surrounding the area is a swamp as pictured, dunno if it's ok to use this as a water source, it has thousands of frog eggs in it as you can see.
definately ok to use as a water source as long as the ph and uc (urine content lmao) are in check. i used to ONLY grow in swampy areas at an old hunting camp. they would pay me $300 a weekend to go out and check/repair fences, shoot houses, trails, cameras, etc during the late spring and all thru summer so i was able to inconspicuously check my plots every week. and by the time hunting season came around i had already harvested. most dry weight we ever got was 14lbs but averaged about 9-10 over the 5 years i worked there. happy growing and as always, stay smokey my friends :leaf:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2717432 fuck it was hot today water this patch tommorow I'll do next patch ran out of grow big pumping them up!
:fire:Yes sir it was a hot day! Gonna be even worse this week!

I didnt want to feed nutes tonight just because of how hot its going to be. But your girls looked like they loved the food.
How much water are you having to use per plant on average so far? Today I gave everyone around 5-10 gallons each. Just to make sure they are good and drenched for the next 2 days.

I might have missed it earlier in your thread, are they staying in pots or are they going in the ground?

Thanks for the update bro!


Well-Known Member
Oh ya man super hot! Ya they are loving the grow big and like a gallon if there not drooping I don't use more I like them to dry out real good helps them get bigger root mass quick!


Well-Known Member
Superman ya man I never even test my water ha never had a problem 14 lbs is pretty good I'm aiming for 20 lbs which shouldn't be to hard to reach I'm glad my other spot got busted my new spot with 50 has water 10 feet away ha so much better getting busted forced me to find an amazing spot. And righ lol i snort norcos every once and awhile for the past year makes me feel no pain from watering etc and not paranoid when at my spots when I hear a branch snap lol you guys ready to see the future pounders I water every 2 weeks only a gallon ha.


Well-Known Member
My big guy hasnt grown much in the past few weeks, started flowering early and then kicked out of it looks like it's flowering again, I took 10 clones and starto like another 20 or so seedlings just incase because I'm down to like 6 plants...fortunately they are all femenized atleast


Well-Known Member
Shit man that blows some of mine started to a little but not bad at all that's why I always start more had 114 total and kept 84 total weeding out the weak I only keep the best don't have time for the weak.


Well-Known Member
As do I, just a shitty year, put out 60 hoping to pull 20 at harvest time, 6 left due to frost, slugs and rabbits