Humboldt's - 100% CFL Setup!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments cult, do you have anything going right now, if so and you have a journal, please post a link....



Well-Known Member
How many cfls you got there? look like just over 20 to me.

So lets say those cfls cost 2 bucks each

thats 40 bucks just for the bulbs,

then you got those fittings how much did they cost? Lets say 20 bucks for all the fittings together.

lets say those bulbs are 20 watt each, I think you've got more there than that but what they hey.

so 20x20=400w
and you paid roughly 60 bucks for the lights.

Do you think a hps would have been better?


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you did a cfl thread mate. I am still following your ''up and away'' grow and that is looking mighty fine.

You will need to get one done on your new room when you get that going.


Well-Known Member
How many cfls you got there? look like just over 20 to me.
So lets say those cfls cost 2 bucks each

thats 40 bucks just for the bulbs,

then you got those fittings how much did they cost? Lets say 20 bucks for all the fittings together.

lets say those bulbs are 20 watt each, I think you've got more there than that but what they hey.

so 20x20=400w
and you paid roughly 60 bucks for the lights.

Do you think a hps would have been better?
Yes of course hps would have been much better, however I'm a noob! didn't know any better and decided to go with flourescent lighting, I have big plans for an hps setup, please visit my journal for more details.

Nah the light fixture and all the bulbs didn't cost but maybe a hundred dollars as I shopped wisely and was able to add to it as I went, since I'm toying with the cfls I decided to use as many as possible (without breaking my pocket book) to see what I can get out of them at near the equivalent of a 400w hps in lumes. right now I'm just having FUN!! isn't growing supposed to be fun?

Thanks Bryan, for the support at Up and Away!! I will be posting updates tonight.


Well-Known Member
So are there 20-23w cfls? What strain? How long into flower are they? NIIIICE GROW!!!!!! I got a cfl grow going atm, my first one too... 2 days into flower...wooty!!!! I hope my girls look as good as yours in a few weeks!!!

Good Growing and keep us post!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks puff, puff, puff, I thought you had already visited my journal? I have like 25 bulbs at two different watts/lumens, 18 - 26w and 7 - 23w, I currently have 41800 lumens surrounding the girls, I do not no the strains as they are bagseed, bushy and small has been flowering now for 35 days and mediocre 29.

To keep posted on my progress, please visit my current journal, also do you have one of your own?


Active Member
How many cfls you got there? look like just over 20 to me.

So lets say those cfls cost 2 bucks each

thats 40 bucks just for the bulbs,

then you got those fittings how much did they cost? Lets say 20 bucks for all the fittings together.

lets say those bulbs are 20 watt each, I think you've got more there than that but what they hey.

so 20x20=400w
and you paid roughly 60 bucks for the lights.

Do you think a hps would have been better?
We all know HPS is better but as Hum said, with CFLs you can start small and build up as you go. If you only had $20 and 3 beans and wanted to go HPS you'd be left with $20 and 3 beans ... and no grow. But you could get a handful of CFLS and fixtures for $20 and start growing. Sure you gonna have to increase as you go ... but $20 here and $20 there and before you know it, you've got 3 plants thriving and growing. Then with the money you saved from not having to buy mull coz you had a cheap CFL grow you could put that towards an HPS setup.


Well-Known Member
Lol i do on a regualr basis, i havent started a journal yet, but i will soon, since my girls are flowering and i can't see them every waking moment of the day lol... currently i have 4-105w & 1-85w and 2-23w which equals about 34,300 lumens, i need MORE LIGHTS, although the last month of flower i will be movin to 400-600w hps. Looking good, i have some bagseed/soil going with my hydro and you have given me sooo much hope.....

GO CFLS!!!!!!

Thanks puff, puff, puff, I thought you had already visited my journal? I have like 25 bulbs at two different watts/lumens, 18 - 26w and 7 - 23w, I currently have 41800 lumens surrounding the girls, I do not no the strains as they are bagseed, bushy and small has been flowering now for 35 days and mediocre 29.

To keep posted on my progress, please visit my current journal, also do you have one of your own?


Well-Known Member
I'm using 3 gallon buckets with black gold and perlite mix, natures soil for the smaller containers witch I don't know the exact size, small black pots commonly seen in nurseries, usually holding small shrubs.

Hey thanks ozone!

Thanks canceled for dropping in, I vegged approx. 2 months under 24/7 lighting.

Thanks tokey, I dig the name.

Puff you can't go to hps yet, damn you, are you a cfler or not? lmao j'k I'm also going hps soon but would first like to see what these cfl's will give me, If they do well I may even flower more plants using them but for sure going to use them for veg... Oh and what are you waiting for, start that journal, would ya!

If you are interested in keeping up on my grow please visit the following link,


New Member
hey...I am flowering using cfls..I have a sunleaves pioneer IV and the lights from from a failed aerogarden plus several other random lights and mine are doing great...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ROFL!! I know i got to get my journal going, but its been to interesting watching yours, those girls are looking great, gonna have some extra $ in Jan got almost all i need so i figuare lets see what these HPS light are about, but dont get me wrong i love my cfls. I see you got the itch


Well-Known Member
How are ya bongspit, love the name, have you got a grow journal?

That's cool puf, at least you'll get to see what I yield using cfls, I'll be right behind you on the hps, now get that journal going would ya!

It's kind of hard to describe DOT, I bought cheap as I went, meaning I started out small, shopped wisely and worked my way up to what you see now, I got everything needed for lights for under a hundred bucks, I'm using some two way light fixtures that I found at a thrift store, paid only 50cent a piece, pretty good deal considering I saw the same fixtures for 7 bucks new but the 7 bucks I think is well worth these fixtures, they come with two sockets and can ad y's making it four, how sweet is that?
I have lots of pictures and information on the lighting fixture in my journal, feel free to skim through it,

hhaha thats jokes:blsmoke:
Dazed & Confused! nice avatar btw Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas .. best drug induced movie, I give it 10 stars ********** & two thumbs up!

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