Well-Known Member
how did your test sample smoke? i think you said already but how was the taste and smell?
Yeah I noticed a big difference but not right away, after some days I noticed the top cola forming before all, I thought the buds grew bottom to top or sporadically throughout the plant but the very top cola is forming first and the rest is taking it's time filling in.. I'm wondering if this is normal and if the rest of the stem will actually fill in, I may end up with chunks of bud.I noticed something on my plant, I was wondering if you have had the same experience. After I cut off the small buds, all of a sudden my bigger buds are budding even more now. Some of my buds look like they're developing another bud on top of it.
Yeah I noticed a big difference but not right away, after some days I noticed the top cola forming before all, I thought the buds grew bottom to top or sporadically throughout the plant but the very top cola is forming first and the rest is taking it's time filling in.. I'm wondering if this is normal and if the rest of the stem will actually fill in, I may end up with chunks of bud.
That's the point PIMP however, it could stall your flowering process as well, It could very well depend on the plant/strain but I think it puts them into a bit of shock and may take time to recover, if you are not in a hurry then I'm thinking this is ok but I may be wrong, I may find out later that I should of left it alone.
Thanks botanist for visiting, I'm sure I will get the cloning down some .. one day, may not be this trip, perhaps the next....
Sweeter than that my friend, that's funny I was recently talking to a friend about marijuana vs girls, I came to a conclusion, If I had a choice between being able to grow pot the rest of my life or not being able to have sex, I chose pot, reason being is I can always masturbate but not always able to grow pot...
Sorry ladies for the spurt of the He' He' Talk!
How many seeds you got there and how much did they cost ya? I want to be able to grow multiple strains one day, unfortunately I had to start with an unknown and now going to start bubblegum, that's two if I don't lose the unknown and if I actually got bubblegum. lol I'd like to try something purple and energetic, any clues on a strain like that?
Getting sick playing poker all night, lol are you sure you weren't at a brothel? I got yur pm and replied, thanks!
Its been a few days since iv'e added any picture updates, I took bushy and small out for watering and noticed a lil difference but not much, it's funny seems the first month flew by and now in the second month things seem to have slowed way down, I'm hoping that the buds actually fill in or out.. right now looking light chunks.
Bushy & small,
Bushy budshots,
Bushy side branches,
I swear bushy's side branches look like a bunch of colas, I wish I could get more light to them, would be nice if they filled out more, I'm very tempted to trim bushy completely so all of her side branches show more but I heard bad things toward that, on the other hand I've seen people do it and it apperas their plants were doing fine... any thoughts on this would be appreciated, an expert opinion would be greater appreciated.
Bushy top view,
Smalls budshots,
Smalls side branches,
Possible seed,
That bud looks abnormal, the only bud that I see this happening to, could it be a seed forming, please advise!
I wouldn't mind some seeds at this point as I'm not doing that good with the cloning and I fear I may lose this unknown strain for Ever, I'd rather end up with some seeds and have a second chance than to loose this strain.
Until Next Time!
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]I was reading somewhere online that certain strains can only produce a certain amount of bud no matter what