Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!


New Member
Hey Hum, hell yea! Jingle all the way, good times. Anything for the kids.

anywhoo, I believe it might be too much N, i believe i was a little bloodmeal happy that first bucket, but with each watering comes a "flush" new growth on top or between stem leaves and stalk, ver vigorous, but after a few days, edges start to burn....

water is purified with potassium chloride, not sodium chloride,
Use 1 TSP molassess every watering (going to chill on that next few times)
have used epsom salts for magnesium/sulphur trace elements. but not in last few waterings.
Also going to let this soil really dry up, I usually water every week an a half- 2 weeks...either way, that amount of water, is a 2 week rainstorm.....nothing to crazy long as you have drainage i would think, things shouldn't matter...constant waterings would be good to flush and

Thanks all, got some more family stuff today, be back later.

Hum any way to message you and attach pictures privately?



Well-Known Member
well i realy dont know if its going to be sooner than later, what i know is that im lossing my mind and my money i dont want my bloombox collecting dust in a storage


Well-Known Member
humboldt i just wanted to say something. i see a lot of people say cfl's are no good. i think your plants look as good, if not better than some people using hps's and doggin cfls. i do not care what lights people use, i just think the proof is in the pudding that there are other alternatives than hps. i have a gift for you. i am spreading the christmas cheer.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey H.

I'm not tring to step on your toes so don't take this the wrong way.

Hey Mastakoosh, its not the same out come, I think Humbolt is using over 1000 watts for his grow( which is a really good grow) but if you do a side by side compaison. there will be no competition. No one is saying that you can't grow with them they are just saying they are not efficient.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lacy, I thought to my self and said I'm going to have the best damn journal ever!. j/k, I originally started a journal cause I thought it would be fun and would help pass time but as I was going through journals I noticed people leave a lot of stuff out that could have been very beneficial to me and others if only there were images or a bit more info, so with that I decided to document everything possible.

What is a journal if it's not educational? Fun & Games...

Right on those tattoos are Awesome, I wish I had learned of Sublime earlier in my life as I sure would of like to have seen one of Bradleys concerts...

Thanks tahoe, you've been a trooper, always have good things to say, I really enjoy your company, keep coming back it works!

I don't know PIMP, constant watering may not be such a good idea, however I wouldn't think a flush every now and then would do any harm (may actually do them some good) I'm actually going to flush at least one more time before I harvest, I may even perform a couple flushes during veg in the near future, after this harvest or get a few more under my belt I think I will do some major experimenting...

Thanks Rocky, cfls appear to be doing the trick, however if only my plants were a bit smaller...

I hear that majim, come pick me up and we go get that box:mrgreen: with your luck lately if you don't get that box soon, you just may not get it at all... spend a few bucks go pick that shit up and save monies in storage fees in the long run...

Thanks masta the proof is in the pudding, cfls do do the trick but I also agree with Lacy I think it depends on the plants conditions as well, meaning no matter what lighting you use, if you don't treat your plants right they may not turn out as expected. I'm noticing that the colas and branches are having a hard time forming, filling in and I'm thinking this is due to having used cfls but I cannot be certain until I actually experience growing using other lighting.

I do know that I have made plenty of mistakes and am sure if I had done things differently I'd yet have better results, for example if I had just left the damn plants alone as in not leaving the closet door open all the time, admiring, smelling, touching etc.. that alone could be a huge growth factor.....

I have learned a lot thus far and am forever learning, I am happy with the results I have gotten and am full of great that I made it this far, I feel after harvesting this first batch, I will have gotten that curiosity/infatuation out of the way, pay them less attention and just let them grow.. perhaps give them a better atmosphere.

Some weirdness!

Branch drop,

Freakin branch just dropped over night, I don't know why this has happened, I can only assume that it's because of the plants condition, first I let the plants grow too big, second I'm thinking not enough lighting for proper growth to strengthen the stem/branches (is like rubber) I had to tie the branch to a small hook in the wall, I have a feeling I'm a gunna have a wall full of hooks and a room full of string by the end of this trip... other than that seems to be flowering on time and looking good... 1 month into flower they are..

I am thinking about adding several ys to give them a bit more light but will still be a lot less lumens than the first closet, I do want to see what kind of results I'll get with the poorer conditions.. I'm thinking I can afford to do this, it will definitely show the people the difference in the growth and will help some determine what they are able to get away with while being satisfied with the results..

I'm thinking with a decent amount of cfls and a rotation of a shit load of small plants one could have some decent homegrown smoke for like as long as they keep growing..

Was just about to post and then there were two more,

That's cool mountain, I wish you the best in your grow come winter.

I am not using anywhere near 1000w it's more like 400 and something with around 48000 lumens, side by side comparison to what exactly, cfl vs hid or lots of cfl vs lot less? also cfl's can be very efficient/beneficial depending on the circumstances.

Until Next Time!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro you plants are looking good bro, That water looks damn clear bro, do really think its necessary to flush again? Wouldn't that stress the plants? Im a noob so Im just asking not making a Is it necessary for two flushes or is one ok? , im trying to follow your footsteps since your plants llook so

Either way keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I thought you using more then that. I never said that cfls didn't have there benifits I just said that hid lights are better right now. In the future who nows? I still use cfls for vegging. I have always said that you have shown what you can do with cfls.

happy holidays

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I will have gotten that curiosity/infatuation out of the way, pay them less attention and just let them grow.. perhaps give them a better atmosphere.

I am thinking about adding several ys to give them a bit more light but will still be a lot less lumens than the first closet, I do want to see what kind of results I'll get with the poorer conditions.. I'm thinking I can afford to do this, it will definitely show the people the difference in the growth and will help some determine what they are able to get away with while being satisfied with the results..

I'm thinking with a decent amount of cfls and a rotation of a shit load of small plants one could have some decent homegrown smoke for like as long as they keep growing..
Dude! :)

I'm in total agreement, position yourself for success and then just let the plants do their thing. IMHO, this is a game _ if I can call it that _ which you play with your head and not your guts.

You've done a spectacular job, no doubt and should be proud of your game.

IMHO, lights/lumen are like Hard Drives and RAM - You just can't have too much.

*Of course these are my opinions and I might be wrong :)

Hooah !


Well-Known Member
Thanks robbie, I don't know bro you're probably right I shouldn't mess with well enough, I think I will leave it alone just feed them water for the next week or so, complete this harvest and experiment laters...

No problems Logan, however I'm thinking we all know that the hid is better but some just can't handle it .. in other words ventilation, space monies..etc ..the list actually goes on, will not allow it.

Thanks Grandfather you always have your way with words, that's just one of the amazing features you carry, thnaks for being you, keep coming back it works!

I know the topper is silly but I couldn't find a gnome like I wanted or get a proper one..

I think it looks better without, you think?

Merry Christmas To Me And To All A Merry Christmas as well as a New Year!

Until Next Time!


Well-Known Member
merry christmas humboldt. as you stated some just cant use hid. and i am sure hid would give spectacular results. but when i look at your plants i see plants that look just as good or better than plants i have seen under hid. i browse several different sites and your plants compare to dudes who use hps in my humble opinion. people should grow however they feel makes them happy and stop degrading those who are working just the same as everyone to overgrow the government lol.


Well-Known Member
hey Hum....beautiful job on the decorating! and as always....your plant looks fabulous! all the best to you and your this holiday seaon. Play Safe!


Well-Known Member
Hey Hum.............about that question of Herm seeds??Two or 3 pages back?? Hermies produce XX fem seeds everytime..........thats a quote from Jorge Cervantes...He's said it 3 times in the last 3 issues of High got female seeds bro!! let me go read the rest of the journal/ thread.......I just had to pipe in on that...


Well-Known Member
Ok so now I got finished~~~ LOVE the X-mas TREE!!! You have been an inspiration to us the way you feedback~ Your Karma Lights This Board~From Top To Bottom...
I hope my journal helps, inspires and encourages 1/2 the way yours will/does~your devotion to your craft, your visitation to others "homes", your positive input puts you number one for the RIU awards............YOU GROW!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hope you all had a wonderful xmas, cause I'm really enjoying myself, for I don't feel all alone everybody must get stoned!

Thanks masta, I agree 100% you can get excellent results using cfl's, however they do take longer for growth and the branches doesn't seem to fill in as well as a hid may, I'm thinking if my plants were a bit smaller I believe the colas and branches would have filled out better, as it stands it doesn't look like they are going to grow or fill in much more, I also believe this is not due to only the cfl but my negligence to their well being.

I have learned a lot in this here grow while ending up with decent results, as I see it it's only going to get better from here... thanks to you masta, Your Grandfather, tahoe, pencap, majim, Logan and all the good people at rollitup.. I truly wouldn't of been able to do this without rollitup and friends, your guys comments are the best and truely helps one with their grow... if you are growing and have a journal you'll know exactly what I'm typing about...

Thanks tahoe, you play safe as well .. Oh and keep coming back it works!

Thanks majim hope you enjoyed your xmas, cause I'm enjoying mine..

Thanks oreilly for taking the time to read and the comments are greatly appreciated, I have a quick update on the bubblegum bellow...

Thanks pencap, I really don't know what to type to a comment such as yours, I'm actually typeless WOW! thanks a bunch .. I need to get me a copy of this book everybody's talking about, that would be something if it were so but I haven't seen anymore seeds, the ones I did find are way immature I doubt that they will crack but I am hoping to find more come harvest and hope they are mature enough to actually germ and sprout...

Too funny Rocky, thnaks for the comments and yeah I regret even using that topper as it got glitter all over smalls cola, been pickin it out...

Sure I'll be able to smoke it all myself and I just may take me some time....

Quick updates,

Bushy cola,

Small cola,

If you'll notice in the above images the hairs look to be more than 75% amber, looks more like 90% to me, I showed these pics to a personal friend of mine and he stated .. "you better pull them before they lose their juice" this scared me because generaly this guy knows what he's talking about when it comes to weed, so now I'm thinking about harvesting bushy and small on new years day but would like some opinions before I do... they say it's better to harvest early than too late.....

Transplanted clones into final pots,

Good thing I did because the roots where growing wild in them lil cups they were dangling at the bottom of the cups, I would of taken pictures but it was stressful enough as it was, not really knowing what I'm doing and all, maybe next time...


Update on the bubblegum,

Well guys I ended up with ten out of twenty bubblegum seeds, two seeds simply didn't crack and eight didn't pop out of soil, not that bad I guess, I should get at least two girls out of ten, would be nice to end up with more girls then boys but heck if I end up with just one girl I'll be happy as hell....

Any input as to when to harvest would be greatly appreciated..

Until Next Time!