Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!


Active Member
def go with rockwool dude... for $10 you can have enough rockwool for a bunch of seeds or clones. Totally worth it.

looks like you're gonna have some nice little buds soon. nice job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the kind comments and the advise, I'm heading to the hydro shop like right now, I will get the rock wool, I tried rootone witch is a podwer, I don't care for it and I heard that liquid compuond is much better, so I'm going to look for something like that as well.

Also I found a beetle this morning, could anybody tell me what species and if it will harm my plants?

I will post updates of the supplies I get asap, oh thanks for the comment on the light setup, it's by far professional, it's actually pretty ghetto but hey seems to be working.

Again thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if that beetle could hurt your plants or not, but kill it just to be safe. I'd rather keep my all-girl party as exclusive as possible than end up regretting letting one guest in.


Active Member
those r the bushiest( my new word thanks to u) plants ive ever seen. i like it. im curious to c what u yeild? and how they turn out. ive never tried cfl. im thinking about it. cause that will keep the bill down


Well-Known Member
those r the bushiest( my new word thanks to u) plants ive ever seen. i like it. im curious to c what u yeild? and how they turn out. ive never tried cfl. im thinking about it. cause that will keep the bill down
i knew i forgot something in my post. u said it right "bushiest."


Mr I Can Do That For Half
That foam stuff is for silk flower arrangements, I get a 50 pack of rockwool for $7 locally or $11 on ebay shipped.Might have gotten the male/hermie from using the wrong color light during flower. The blue/white type light is supposed to increase feamle ratios.Those are some bushy plants though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all the kind words,

I don't know if that beetle could hurt your plants or not, but kill it just to be safe. I'd rather keep my all-girl party as exclusive as possible than end up regretting letting one guest in.
Thanks for the input but I gently picked it up and placed him outside, I do not like killing things unless it's completely necessary.

i have a question bro, how do you put a link to your grow in your signature.
Go to "My Rollitup" (your rollitup) top left - under forum logo/banner, find "Edit Signature" should be the first link in "Settings & Options" (left box) Click that link and place your link code in the box provided, then "Save Signature"

those r the bushiest( my new word thanks to u) plants ive ever seen. i like it. im curious to c what u yeild? and how they turn out. ive never tried cfl. im thinking about it. cause that will keep the bill down dontmetharound
Thanks for the comments, you could save using cfl's but it would depend on how many you use and their wattage, I'm using over 300 watts of cfl's and if you are using a 400w that's not much difference, although you might use a bit of electricity cooling things down but still shouldn't be that big of deal, just think that most heaters at the lowest settings are like 1500w, a lot of your appliances in your house or apartment may take a lot more than 300 - 400 watts.

That foam stuff is for silk flower arrangements, I get a 50 pack of rockwool for $7 locally or $11 on ebay shipped.Might have gotten the male/hermie from using the wrong color light during flower. The blue/white type light is supposed to increase feamle ratios.Those are some bushy plants though.
Yes I know what they are used for, however I read somewhere that you could clone using floral foam, I seen it on a website when I was searching for cloning techniques, thanks for mentioning the herm, good point, I'm going to be removing it soon and replacing it with one of the girls I topped, she should be ready soon, I topped her about a week ago.

This leads me to my update, I finely made it to a true blue hydro shop, my first time in one, I was like a kid in a candy shop, those hydro shops are a growers heaven, this place had everything that you could possibly need for growing and more! (bit expensive though)

Well I think I'm pretty much set for take two on cloning, although I have some pictures to post and a few questions before I get started.

Here we go,

Here is all of what I picked up today,

They didn't have any rock wool, in fact they were totally against it, said "that it wasn't biodegradable" they recommended rapid rooter as you'll see in the images, they claimed that it is easier to use then wool, they said that all I have to do is soak it once, take clippings dip in root jel, stick them in the rapid rooters and set dome, I don't need to spray or anything according to them.

Will the following be efficient to clone?

Complementary magazines, lmao I may learn hydro yet!

I mickey moused a light in a closet on the opposite end of my house, I want to use this closet as a cloning room but I don't know if it will work as is, by the images bellow, I would like to know if that room and lighting (1 20w) will be efficient for clones, will I need a fan and is that lighting far enough away from where the clones are going to be?

Here is an update of the old clone/veg room, check out the lil jungle in there,

Finely got some tiger bloom, HOOAH! should I start feeding the flowering girls this right away or should I wait longer, they have been flowering for one week.

Please advise me on this cloning attempt as it's probably my last chance! I won't have another one for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I don't know a whole lot about hydro, so I can't say whether or not Rapid Rooter will work. The people who are crazy about "all-natural" products usually select the ones that really work well, so give that rapid rooter stuff a try.


Well-Known Member
Hey H.
Its been awhile. Your plants look good.
How many clones do you have right now? How many Mothers do you have now. Are they the same stand?
I would keep one of the bigger plants for a Mother you havent' already. This will allow clones when you want them. Take the smaller one and place that in with the flower. The plants will grow quit big info the flower stage. 2 to 3 times biger- wow!!!
Any ways- For the clones, they don't need much light to start rooting so one cfl will do the trick. around 6-14 days and they will start rooting. You will want to take twice as much clones as you will need/want do to death/none rooting clones. ie- I just took 20 cutts from my mother but I will need only 10. After 14 days in vegg I will put them into flower.
Hay the shops are pricie but what you going to do? The stuff will last a long time. Make sure you don't dip the clone into the mix, take a bit out and use it and through the rest away. You don't want to contaminate the rest of the mix. And for the rooters, are those just the organic plugs? I use a Ready gro super plug-consist of a sponge like material made from comosted tree bark and organic indgredients. Is the same thing that you have?
PM if you have any other questions?



Well-Known Member
whats up humboldt? thanks for the comment. took some of your advice on the pic size on the hosting site. those bushy plants are gonna be awesome in flower mode. holla at cha later.


Well-Known Member
Thanks masta and you're welcome, I noticed your images on your second page of your journal, at least I think it was your second I visit a lot of journals!

your grow looks very healthy, I hope mine turns out this well!
Thanks, do you have a journal, feel free to post a link, I love checking out other grows.

Its been awhile. Your plants look good.
How many clones do you have right now? How many Mothers do you have now. Are they the same stand?
I would keep one of the bigger plants for a Mother you havent' already. This will allow clones when you want them. Take the smaller one and place that in with the flower. The plants will grow quit big info the flower stage. 2 to 3 times biger- wow!!!
Any ways- For the clones, they don't need much light to start rooting so one cfl will do the trick. around 6-14 days and they will start rooting. You will want to take twice as much clones as you will need/want do to death/none rooting clones. ie- I just took 20 cutts from my mother but I will need only 10. After 14 days in vegg I will put them into flower.
Hay the shops are pricie but what you going to do? The stuff will last a long time. Make sure you don't dip the clone into the mix, take a bit out and use it and through the rest away. You don't want to contaminate the rest of the mix. And for the rooters, are those just the organic plugs? I use a Ready gro super plug-consist of a sponge like material made from comosted tree bark and organic indgredients. Is the same thing that you have?
PM if you have any other questions?

Thanks logan for the information, very useful, I now have three girls in flowering and three girls in veg .. that's right I found two more girls today and I repotted them into the bigger buckets, I now have six girls total and possibly two more on the way, I also found and killed four more boys witch you'll see in the following images.

Now that I have 6 girls and possibly two more on the way, I'm going to have to put the cloning on hold because I'm running out of room, although I may practice on another male in the mean time, I will be keeping at least two girls in veg as mothers and for the flowering room, its getting crowded, mainly because of the bushy bitch, I removed the suspected herm witch turned out full blown male, good thing because it was my worst looking plant, I replaced it with the girl that I topped, now I have three healthy girls flowering, one big bushy bitch, a topped mediocre sl*t and a small c*nt.

I'm soo excited, here are some pics for our pleasure,

Girl private parts,

These are are the three girls that are in veg,

This is the topped sl*t that I added to the flowering room,

By looking at the pictures, how many colas you think I will end up with?

Some more shots of the bushy bitch and one of her flowers, it's hard to see but she's actually starting to form,

These are the 3 girls and four unkown in veg,

Out of the four unkown I think there's two more girls, I can't wait to find out, I'm getting tired of dealing with boys.

Speaking of, Here are some shots of the boys I killed,

This is the suspected herm that turned out male plus a little guy,

Their private parts,

A couple more small males,

Their private parts,

Hopefully within a week or two I'll have some nice bud sights to show you, any advise on improvements in hopes in getting a better yield would be appreciated! Anything but adding an hps, I have that covered for next round flowering, I'd like to see what cfl's will do .. Oh when would be a good time to start the tiger bloomnutes, its been one week and a day - 8 days and the topped bitch is her 2nd day.

If you have a grow and journal going right now, please do post your link, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hey H.
For the Nuts you should have a chart that came with it. If not go to the web site. This will give you all the info that you need.
I hope you relize how big these will get. Mabe not as big sence you are using cfls but big. so I hope you have room for them. I have read so many threads about how the plants didn't have enough room at the end of the grow. I was just talking to someone that grows on a bigger level and how like one plant will grow to around 5 to 6 feet high and 2 to 3 feet wide. I never relized how much space they will need.
Anyways keep up the good work:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Can't wait until those little hairs turn into big, sticky buds. I'm also glad to see that sickly plant turned out to be a dude anyway.