Humic/Fulvic acid


Active Member
Hi all! I am fairly new to this and have a question or two. What is the difference between humic and fulvic acid? When is it best used and what are the benifits of each.
For Ebb and flow syatems, is it o.k. to not cover the root systems? They look o.k but will they grow better if I cover the table?
Also, I hear they are getting a chopper in my area, is there anything I can do to protect myself from these cameras?



Well-Known Member
what you are looking for is something i found called c3 foil, or antidetection foil. witch you can bye over sea's. in the U.S. thermal readings is not enugh to get a serch worent. but when they see ur house is lit up like x-mas. they will starting looking at ur trash an shyt. but the c3 foil is around 500$ for 50'.
so its not it thou.. i think!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Roots should be covered..

When water and light mix.. ALGEA forms... ALGAE will consume the oxygen in your water and your plants will die..


picture please :)


Active Member
Thankyou for the responses! I'll cover them up. Does anyone have info on humic and fulvic acid? Found a web site last night, Poly Shield - Polyshield Thermal Imaging Defense I think this will work fine. Only $185 per roll for 600sq feet. I ordered a roll and will let you know how it looks. It is supposed to block all infra red. Not a lot for a piece of mind I think.
