Humidifier and no fan for 3 hours!


Hey ... I'm a noob, planted auto fresh candy and now in week 4. I've made a bit of a mistake today, I turned on my humidifier, it's a mini and does the job. My error was I forgot to turn my oscillator back on, i went to check my 2 plants after 3 hrs and When I opened the tent, u can imagine! I quickly opened the tent doors, (it's in light cycle) and turned fan on and got rid of the moist steam as quick as. There were beads of water on leaves which have now dried off. Leaves have picked up again Everything back to normal.. my question is have I ruined my plants?. Baring in mind it was 3 hrs of plant torture. They looked a bit sorry for themselves
You should be'll know in about 5 days if you did something..but if they've already bounced back you should be good
Hey ... I'm a noob, planted auto fresh candy and now in week 4. I've made a bit of a mistake today, I turned on my humidifier, it's a mini and does the job. My error was I forgot to turn my oscillator back on, i went to check my 2 plants after 3 hrs and When I opened the tent, u can imagine! I quickly opened the tent doors, (it's in light cycle) and turned fan on and got rid of the moist steam as quick as. There were beads of water on leaves which have now dried off. Leaves have picked up again Everything back to normal.. my question is have I ruined my plants?. Baring in mind it was 3 hrs of plant torture. They looked a bit sorry for themselves
I purchased a mini humidifier on amazon because I saw it on an ad and thought it was neat and affordable, as opposed to some other ones.

They seem to not work to well and will fill up an entire house with ionized steam and not turn off until they are empty. Walking into a room like this unsuspectingly, It was like I was in this movie with a bunch of midget strippers smoking blunts and drinking chocolate milk. My plants loved it because they were young and in veg so they were into that kind of thing. My cat was wet and angry.
You should be good. During my first grow I didn’t realize how much humidity my humidifier produced and they were in rainforest conditions for a while before I realized. They grew fine after that with no problems from the humidity