if you think fulltime is overkill then you can put your humidfier oustide your grow near the intake & put it on a timer to cut on X amount of times for Y amount of time throughout the day. Watch the humidity in the room & play around w/ X & Y until you get the results you want.
I unfortunately have the opposite problem. I have a humidity of around 65 & as far as I have heard that's too high, 40-50 is right isn't it? I don't really have much room for throwing a humidifier in there as everything is completely over packed & overcrowded right now. Should soon be able to have another light in 1 week & everything will be split up so that thru the rest of flower they will have plenty of room. Err @ least more room, lol. on day 8 of flower now, should have another light on day 15.
& by packeed i mean really packed. 24 plants, most of which are about 30" tall all packed into an area 44" x 62". like 16 of them are about 30" & the other 8 are 20-24" or so & up on a riser to get the tops high enough to get some light. Totally overdid it. But they are under 1000w & in 1 week should have another 600w and then they will be split up 9 under 600w & 15 under 1000w. Then I'm hoping they will be ok thru flower & next time will be better prepared & better informed & flower MUCH sooner.
Anyhow sorry, not trying to thread-jack here. just got a little carried away w/ my train of thought. But as for your thing I think a humidifier would be great. on a timer if needed.