There are many ways to grow plants.
72-74 with lights on is not high.
67-69 with lights out is not high as well.
If you would raise both temperatures you will see that you RH will go down.
People saying that a certain humidity is good, without looking at the temperature, do not understand RH and VPD.
60% RH with 70 degrees is totally different from 60% RH at 80 degrees.
But even with your temperatures your humidity should be ok.
What can happen though, is that the moment your lights turn on, your buds will stay cold while your ambient temp is rising.
This can cause dew on your buds.
Mildew and botrytis (bud rot) are fungi. They need wet plants. It is not the water that causes the fungi; the water is a catalyst.
You can remove leaves from plants.
Commercial growers with tomatoes do this all the time.
If leaves absorb a lot of light, they are beneficial to the plant. If they do not absorb light and they take more building blocks then they produce, you can sometimes remove them.
But realize that when your plants are not in top condition, it will be another wound on the plants, thus more change for disease.