humidity problem with pics.


Active Member
Im doing a small grow in a 2x2 closet with 430w. hps light. my temp is kicking it around 75-80 but my humidity is only at 20% i even put a humidifier in there on full blast and it didn't do anything. any suggestions to get my humidity up a little bit? the plants do not seem to be struggling at all to grow and flourish, but i know that 20% humidity is too low and i want to be able to fix this problem asap. any advice helps. thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
how long into the grow r u when i started my seedlings i just put a clear cup over the top of them to create a humidity dome if their small enough try that for awhile otherwise u might thing a bout getting a better humidifier


Active Member
for sure. the plants are definately still small enough for me to put the cup over them. thanks so much. should i be treating them like regular clones at this point? (ie. keeping the cup over them and letting them breathe a few times a day?) they've been under the light for about a week and a half.


Well-Known Member
i put the dome on the clones but not one change in the humidity. im really starting to doubt my thermometer
If you've got one of those thermos that reads inside and outside temp the probe that is on a wire doesn't read humidity, the humidity probe is in the thermo itself. So you'd have to put the actual thermometer under the cup.

If you're not using one of these types I'm not sure what to tell you.


Active Member
yea i realized that the thermometer i'm using is a piece of shit. there is no way that my humidity is at 20% with the humidifier on fullblast. i dont really like the in/out mode on the thermometer. its time to invest in a new one. any suggestions on what brand/model to get?


Well-Known Member
yeah take the cups off now and then to let them get some fresh air i did this all the way through until they were to big to fit and it worked well as for the humidity meter i justgot a cheap plastic one non digital works well but i woul get a decent priced one and read reviews for the product you buy.