

Active Member
what is the humidity supposed to be for an indoor grow - ive heard 70%? but i also hear not to get it to high because of mold and rot - mine is at about 40 - also if i need to raise it how can i do that - i heard having open containers of water or sprite helps.
what are the opinions on this?


Well-Known Member
40-70% is ideal,your fine.

Never use will just be a sticky nasty mess, where did you ever hear that sprite increases humidity?


Active Member
ok cool i was making sure - actually i read it on this site under plant problems somewhere i think-it sounded at little off to me but i didn't want to be missing something-i appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
ya nodrama is right 40-70% is ideal the best way to increase ur humidity is with a humidifier which u can pick up at walmart or sumwhere like that also just for sum xtra info ur plant at the start of its life like the first 5weeks could do with a humidity between 60 and 70 or higher it takes in the moisture in the air and uses it but after u leave the veg state and enter flowering u want the humidity between 40 and 50 and no higher above this and u can run into that mold problem u heard about which is devastating and pretty hard to get rid of it also makes for sum harsh nasty smoke Good luck with ur situation


Active Member
good deal thanks for the info - just out of curiosity - what happens to the plant when the humidity is too low? mine is just over 4 weeks old and is doing decently (had some yellowing problems at first but its just on lower leaves) and the humidity stays at about 35-40. i mist the the box whenever i can and it rises a little. so low humidity makes the plant do what exactly?


Well-Known Member
low hum. will sho signs of wilting droopy leaves and dry thin leaves curling leaves yellowing or browning


Well-Known Member
Really low humidity will make the plant transpire more , and in the process will use more water than is necessary.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing and i have a 5 ft by 5ft box that i have 8 plants in they are just starting out and im not sure how to raise the humidity to just the right amount


Well-Known Member
#1 thing to get would be a humidifier they work wonders or open containers of water the wider the top the more evaporation also bags of ice the sweat that seeps thru the plastic bags of the ice will raise the hum. but only so much and it will drop the temp slightly so try the open container and put a rag in it so it its soaking up the water but its also gotta hang over the side so the water is drawn up the rag and able to dry out