the higher the better for veg. shot for 80 to 85 percent and the lower the better for flower like 20 to 25 percentWhat is an ideal humidity level?
thanks guys
a humidifire or mist your plants 2 or 3 times every day. my plants loves the shit out of that.Ok thanks. My humidity is currently at 25-30% and i'm in the veg. state. is there anything i can do to increase the humidity?
wow you are the first i heard say pail of water. i do the same thing. note i didn,t say that this time cuz many say that i does not work. but i to say ya it does.I like to veg around 75% and during flower 45%
You can try adding a small pail of water and also mist with a sprayer
wow you are the first i heard say pail of water. i do the same thing. note i didn,t say that this time cuz many say that i does not work. but i to say ya it does.