

Hey guys! :) I have just started growing my own ladies! :) I have a 33w CFL over each plant (2) they are a couple of inches tall with first set of leaves...... I have a fan ocilating and temp is at 79.5 f but humidity is a 42 % is the humidity to low??


Well-Known Member
Starting a plant you want around 70% if you can, then reduced over its life down to 30% by the end of flowering...that's ideal, but 42% will be fine :)
i had a humidity problem where all my walls and doors were getting wet, has even started to make mold in some places. not good


Right I tried a couple of containers with little bit of water and that
Really didn't do much, so I tried soaking a small towel and it's worked a treat humidity is at 58%


New Member
how many of you walked thru a green house you see there flowering plants its fckin amazing you also feel the heat and humidity when you walk into one ????
what most growers should do is find out where there strain comes from and find out what kind of climate you need.
And try to set your room @


DrFever that's a good idea iv got a sativa amnesia lemon, and the other is a free seed called aroma which is sativa/indica
Gunna google these strains to see there climate! :)


Active Member
i bought a 30 dollar humidifier and have been able to keep a constant 62. with CO2 running and the temp is 88...great results