

Just Chopped down a whole plant after 11 weeks of flowering. Hung in bathroom with fan blowing (not on plant) to circulate air. Temp is ok at 70. But humidity is high at 68.

Ideas on how to lower humidity to 55-60?


Well-Known Member
i would get one of those DampRid containers and set it in the corner of the bathroom. It'll take a lot of the moisture out of the air and regulate your humidity


Active Member
Dont Stress about it.. The humidity will lower itself fairly quick if you leave the door open and fan on.. Should Drop a fair bit after one day dry time. You dont want the humidity too low during dry time.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
68% is not that bad, I shoot for 60-70% for a nice slow dry. It will lower the more the buds dry. Never go below 50% in dry or cure.