

Active Member
Hey out there!

How important is humidity to my outdoor babies, they're out soaking up the sun, but it's very dry today, about 25% 62F


Well-Known Member
yes be carefull with over watering, a good way to tell if there in pots is the weight of the pots.. if you know how much a plant that has dry soil weighs then you just pick up all the pots and see if they need water or not.. are your plants in the ground or in pots? and if they are in pots how big are they?


Active Member
I have them in 16 oz styro cups right now, hopefully a transplant will happen this week.
I could use some advice on when.


Well-Known Member
ok make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom of those cups, you will want to transplant your plants soon i think its better to start plants in bigger pots because the tap root gets established quicker, when your plants have just sprouted its better to have a higher humidity level once they get bigger its not so important.. just let the soil on top of the cups dry out a bit between waterings.. how big are the plants? is there any chance of some pictures?


Active Member

I guess I'm unable to find a thread the discusses how much water to put on them, I'll be transplanting tomorrow.

I've been spraying them with about 2 tablespoons of water each day...
No yellowing, but the leaves are droopy at night, which is leading me to believe I'm under-watering...and the cups get real light too...

I'm transferring them to 3 gallon pots, so every-time I water, should I soak the dirt pretty good, and let them dry out?

Thanks in advance