

New Member
Hello all im new here.Nice to meet you all.I have a mobile home.And my grow room is in the end of the trailor.Room size is 11+6+7tall.I have a wood stove to for heat and oil .My question is am I going to have a humidity problem? and if so what can I do besides buy a dehumidifier.thanks for your support


Well-Known Member
Where do ya live ? And what is your ambient Temps/RH ? Where I live, snow/cold causes the RH to drop into the 20-30% range in the winter...
Depends, on a lot, but yes, you will need to vent your grow room....
Good Luck...


Well-Known Member
I do not like my grow room [bud room] to go over 45-50% RH... This time of year, the dehumidifier pulls out one gallon of water twice daily in my little 6' x 4' room....[basement grow]... I then use this distilled water to water my plants...


Welcome! You can buy a humidity and temp monitor from homedepot for around $8. definitely worth the price. The humidity will be a factor in your grow, so you will need to try and monitor the levels. Ideally, in my opinion, 60-70% relative humidity during veg and 45-60% during flowering. (humidity should drop quite a bit during the last few weeks to prevent mold). But don't worry, cannabis will grow just fine outside of those boundaries. Depending on where you live, opening some windows may stabilize the humidity. Also for the size of your grow space, there are a number of very small, cheap dehumidifiers that could help. Good luck!


New Member
I live in Maine.I can put my lips on my 1000 watt hps reflector its that cool to the touch I have it vented out with a inline 8 inch vortex 24 inches from my light and then its directley outside the humidity runs around 43 percent I don't know how warm it gets when the light goes off 12on 12off now.Do you think I need a dehumidifier?thanks for any responce


Well-Known Member
I live in Maine....
outside the humidity runs around 43 percent I don't know how warm it gets when the light goes off 12on 12off now.Do you think I need a dehumidifier?thanks for any responce
If the ambient RH of your Mobil Home is around 43 % you are golden...
From here on [winter] the RH will drop...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
You're fine with that humidity. Just make sure you keep some kind of exhaust going when lights out or you'll get a spike in RH.


New Member
I peaked in to see the temp and humidity last night about a hour and a half after the lights went out.the humidity level was 55percent temp was 75 nothing running.Think it might be ok?


I wouldn't stress about 55%, I've grown really nice buds with a lower RH than that. But if you find a good priced humidifier buy it, it will only help.


New Member
if I just keep air flow constant with lights off would that do the trick? On keeping the humidity between 40-60 when in flower?Sorry for being a pain but if you don't ask how will we learn? My first indoor grow I got ripped of the season so im inside now Packing pistol.:)


You should be good to go. Different strains have different levels of tolerance to humidity so just keep an eye on your plants until you learn what your ladies can handle. Ask as many questions as you want. Every grower was new at some point and asked a million questions. If they didn't ask questions, they probably didn't turn out too well. Also, the hardest lesson I have learned is never tell ANYONE about your plants. Maybe with the exception of close family, but nobody else. People get jealous real quick when they find out about that shit. Good luck and be safe!