Hurricane Irene sample harvest?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, i have 6 pretty large plants about half way into flower, do you think since the hurricane is coming and they might get seriously fucked up, so i was thinking maybe i harvest a little nug from each plant just incase you know? what do you think...?


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with taking a sample and trying it out to see what she taste like and the high it gives you

Of course the high and taste will be different the further you can let her go , but you can get an general idea of how she might be

I have a N.l that i have been taking bud from to sample and it fucks me slam up

Hell i could harvest now since i like the high it gives me but im still gonna wait though cuz they will get more dense and all ya know

I might harvest half of her and let the other half finish completely out


Well-Known Member
yeah i think ill snip 1 or 2 buds to keep me calm during the storm lol, how bad is it down there now? in in ny


Well-Known Member
aurora indica, blackberry kush

How long should a little nug the size of a nickel take to dry like 1 day?
NY? ur fine im in western ny and its gonna miss us, even if ur on the pathway of the hurricane, by the time it gets up here its not gonna be that powerful, from florida to south carolina it dropped from 90-100 mile winds, to 45-65 milean hr winds,


Well-Known Member
well im just inside the forcast, i did put netting over my plants just the plastic kind, think i should take it off?