hurricane knocked out power what to do please help!!!


Active Member
ok riu members here's the current problem! I was into my sixth week of veg period with my 18/6 mh light schedule! the original plan was to veg another week or two before switching he babies over to my flowering schedule! however, we felt most of the effects of texas hurricane which knocked out my power! the power has been out for 36 hours which I have had the babies in complete darkness for the time being! now I know a lot of people when switching from veg to flower will at times run 24 or 48 hrs total darkness to kinda stress the plant and trick it into flowering faster! so I guess my ? is what should I do with my babies? should I just continue to let em stay in complete darkness until my power gets back on or what? please give me any and all advice???


Well-Known Member
if you can try geting them near windows or some sort of natural light. i know like 80% of huston and galvistan have all ready evacuated but if you still got nabers never mind. good luck.


Well-Known Member
well the best suggestion anyone can give has been given by kahtn, natural light, use some mirrors maybe, if hardware stores are open get some of those million candle power lanterns, obviously a generator, id say theyll be severely stunted no matter what at this point. id think they could live about 2 weeks before theyre all dead without any light


Well-Known Member
how are you on the computer?
His computer has a big cpu cooler that's wheel shaped which he emptied the fan blades out of. He snatched a squirrel from the wild and stuck him on it like a treadmill. That spins the motor on what was the cpu cooler, and makes it work like a generator...

Just do the same thing, with lots more squirrels to power your lights.


Well-Known Member
His computer has a big cpu cooler that's wheel shaped which he emptied the fan blades out of. He snatched a squirrel from the wild and stuck him on it like a treadmill. That spins the motor on what was the cpu cooler, and makes it work like a generator...

Just do the same thing, with lots more squirrels to power your lights.
do you smoke weed or something?


Well-Known Member
outside will attract bugs. we have similar problems in florida. iinvested in a generator


Well-Known Member
You can try candles if they are in a safe container or an oil lamp during the few extra hours it needs at night, but only if you can do it safley of course. Or a battery powered CFL camping light.


Well-Known Member
You'll need at least 14 hours t keep them veging, and the sun isn't out that long this time of year.


Well-Known Member
I had a 72-hour power outage a few summers ago, but my plants were two weeks from being done. I used some LED lights, and the plants turned out okay. In fact, people commented on how good that stuff was, as if the adversity somehow made it better. So, I guess that's what I'd do, get a bunch of LED lights and try to keep the 12/12 schedule going, so that when the juice comes back on, they've sorta been able to maintain their light cycle with the LEDs.


Active Member
thanx for all the replys and advice so far! hopefully power gets turned back on today if so I am gonna put em on 12/12 right away.. in the meantime I am gonna see if I can get my hands on a generator!