Hurt Locker Downloaders being sued


Further in the article he's kinda saying that it's gonna be difficult to get all those IP addresses linked with actual names. Some of the guys who download tons use more than just proxies and PG2 or PeerBlock. Alot of guys just use open networks around them too, that way it saves there bandwidth. I can see how some people like it and some people don't. But I think all information should be free for everyone. Hell those guys make more in one movie than we'll make in a few years why do they bitch? lol :)


Well-Known Member
i'm with DSM

as a recording engineer, there's a lot of talk about this in the studio.
dont get me wrong, i like my torrents, but i try to go out and buy something if i like it.
i'm pretty familiar with the legalities involved and dsm has been on the money with his statements.

that being said, one of my neighbors is a lawyer, and i'm jackin her internet as we speak.
iknow this because when i connect, the name is "lawyer chick"

oh and that movie was garbage.


Well-Known Member
i downloaded that! it was crap. i deleted it. even if i'm the one of the 5,000 i'd still download, i download tons of music i'd never buy, then if i like it i buy more or see them live. if i hate it i saved the 15-20$ on a crap cd. i down load to find what i like. i down load movies and if i like them i buy the dvd for my collection, if its crap i saved money. even getting sued would still be better than the tons of money i would have paid for the crap i've down loaded, hated and deleted.

ps any one seen the "you wouldn't down load a car" adds? hell yes i would if i could, and it would be stealing and i'm okay with that


New Member
Fuck me, I downloaded this shitty ass movie damnit wtf does this mean omg fuck them I prob even own the movie legally, I have netflix subscription also was it on netflix, I am using utorrent on piratebay with encryption hopefully they cant figure it out