How much product did you get off your SR?
I planted mine on the 24th of march it was up in about 5 days. Stayed stumpy for a month and a half and shot off in mid spring around the start of may. I mixed up some soil from my garden at the compost heap, the soil is very dark and rich with pleanty of plant matter. To this mix i then added nutes containing nitrogen and potassium and sat in a fishtank on its side. The fishtank is excellent for retaining heat whilst air from the wind can breeze in the open side or the actual top of the fish tank. This acts as a mini green house and has definately had a promanent effect on sunny days. after around 60 days i started adding liquid fertilizer for tomatoes with seaweed extract, i left this untill now because i wanted my plant to assert itself and establish strong roots before i pumped it full of goodness it resided at 32cms before i added the nutes, since then it has grown atleast 5cm a week i cant see it getting much bigger. I would like to know how big ur SR got and where in the world u are? my grow is takin its sweet ass time first one ever, im an avid gardener so i grow veg too im applying my knowledge to weed now cant be that hard really it definately smells good im proud of my first plant fuck all them lights and shit this is the cheapest way possible, advice is welcome ill post pics up tomorrow so u can tell me the story if shes showing signs of budding yet. i think she is not too sure.