Husband is gone - need help carrying on

Guy's no one answered my original question..does it matter when the cutting are taken..early in the morning or just before I shut the lights at 7pm?

if im cuttin i like t o do it when the lights have just come on so the momma can have a full cycle to get over how mean I am!! :hump: then when the lights go out i mist her with water and a drop of superthrive and i play her 3 doors down, she loves 3 doors down!!!
but really the choice of music can be played with,
stay away from country or all your plants will think they are cousins and turn hermie!!
no gangsta rap as i have learned plants that listen to negra music dont tend to want to work,,,,

LOL just kidding no harsh racist replies, it was just jokes, if jamie fox can molest miley cyrus i can make an occasional black joke!!
you live in canada, that changes the dynamic quite a bit, although, something still feels weird here, you are the first "woman" i have ever met that would start off a story with "my husband solicited the neighbors daughter............."

i gotta say bravo, will you mail me some seeds if i give you a po box? i will send you money if you score me some seeds from the seedbank

trading of seeds is against site rules. :evil:
actually, with your husbands arrest record and all they could probably narrow it down between divorce records, arrest records etc and i could probably come over for dinner!! but im the crazy cautious type so thats why i believe stuff like that is just possible!! ok thats my last paranoid post!!

about to be banned. stalker! :shock:
if you have nothing positive to offer, just don't post. :peace:
you can cut clones from your bottem ranches and use root toning gel and stick those babies in dirt and keep the dirt very can either pick the tiny little flowers off or let them fall off naturally...put the clones under 24 hr light and it should take just under a month for them to root doing it that way
i dont like that your talking about growing to sell its a little low class keep all this this to yourself just ask qustions about growing their will be people more then happy to help.
i dont like that your talking about growing to sell its a little low class keep all this this to yourself just ask qustions about growing their will be people more then happy to help.
I don't think it's low class.....I grow my own but also score from friends/etc. and I don't think any less of them.:confused:
Thanks Dr G... I am a little new to this. I was just being honest..perhaps a little to honest . I apologize if I offended anyone. That was not my intent.
about to be banned. stalker! :shock:
if you have nothing positive to offer, just don't post. :peace:
stalker? i was just making a point go ahead put all the info out there you want... i have no ill will or mean any harm to anyone, just like i said making a point and my point is to be very careful and i cant think of a more positive thing to offer!!!
i dont like that your talking about growing to sell its a little low class keep all this this to yourself just ask qustions about growing their will be people more then happy to help.
this site will turn on you, i tried telling her to be careful and all of the sudden im a stalker about to be banned, so i agree with you, on one hand IM A STALKER but in the other you got someone openly admitting to a continuing criminal enterprise, and yet im the one that should be banned???
i should have used a girl avatar too, everyone line up to help, thats funny to me!!
I don't think it has to do with anything about her being a girl. SHe was sincere in here questions, showed humbleness, and was very thankful....take those 3 tips and you might get alot of help yourself...........and this is an open forum, free to express what you want,granted you follow rules,so you go girl!!
i thought i did explain, i basicly took the information she was given IE divorce, husbands arrest and charges, and the fact she wants to grow weed in Ontario, i was just trying to let he know to be careful AND now someone posted im a stalker and should be banned,,,,,,,,
As far as the girl part, its obviously true, nobody in the right mind should help facilitate her continuing her husbands grow op, while going through a bitter breakup, its a timebomb! if you want to grow and supplement your income, id get a good friend and see if they are willing to let you set up in a location your pedophiliac husband wouldnt know about!!!