Husband is gone - need help carrying on

i think you threw your chances with sharon, her profile says she like to play scrabble, sometihng, double word score LOL just kidding!! im through, so you can throw out this post!!! atleast im not dry humpin '"sharon"

Not anymore at least.. :lol:

PM's people. :peace:
well first the avatar pic hot lil angel this girl needs a good quality stuffing espesical after what her huby did.. iv been goin threw the thread and i still havnt seen pics of this nice setup so im starting to think its a cop a girl who has this much knowledge about growin but still looking for advice
ok well how about this hey sharon are you on adult freind finder ill look you up lol happy now olosta ill try and pick her up somewhere else that is if she isnt a narc
From what i have picked up after reading all 14 pages, is that you are still very new at this, and because you are relying on the harvest for $ i seriously recommend you learn as much as possible before going into anything major. Plan you grow before you grow !!

Firstly You seem to be in a perfect situation to grow seriously strong weed and make a Shit load of $ but you first need to get a better understanding of everything..

what i can briefly recommend is first and foremost to me the most important part.. Seeds.. If you choose a few really potent strains you can seriously make $ because it would be classified as realy good stuff and that = expensive..

Im not even going to start with growing tips, ill prob end up writing a essay, but watch this vid.. it helped me allot during my beginner days.. watch all of them !!

Guy's, I am not looking for a man. At least not for awhile. Though I would I appreciate some info on anyone who has had some real expierence with the autoflowering seeds or the feminized seeds. I am little unsure of handling the workload of picking out males.
Though the regular seeds are so much cheaper it's a confusing choice.
Once this adventure is all done and my restaurant is up and running all drop you guy''s a line and you can come buy for a free meal.
From what i have picked up after reading all 14 pages, is that you are still very new at this, and because you are relying on the harvest for $ i seriously recommend you learn as much as possible before going into anything major. Plan you grow before you grow !!

Firstly You seem to be in a perfect situation to grow seriously strong weed and make a Shit load of $ but you first need to get a better understanding of everything..

what i can briefly recommend is first and foremost to me the most important part.. Seeds.. If you choose a few really potent strains you can seriously make $ because it would be classified as realy good stuff and that = expensive..

Im not even going to start with growing tips, ill prob end up writing a essay, but watch this vid.. it helped me allot during my beginner days.. watch all of them !!

Thanks Suka,
I have been reading and it is quite daunting. I thought it would be much easier. Though so many choices, strains..methods. I just ordered Jorge Cervantes "Ultimate Grow DVD" I am hoping that helps. I have been reading his book but honestly I have taken university courses that where easier. I don't think people quite understand the work and knowledge required to be a professional grower it's quite daunting.
Guy's, I am not looking for a man. At least not for awhile. Though I would I appreciate some info on anyone who has had some real expierence with the autoflowering seeds or the feminized seeds. I am little unsure of handling the workload of picking out males.
Though the regular seeds are so much cheaper it's a confusing choice.
Once this adventure is all done and my restaurant is up and running all drop you guy''s a line and you can come buy for a free meal.

OK I wouldn't recommend Auto flowering plants because they don't give much of a harvest. (its more for personal usage.) Secondly feminized seeds are normal seeds that have been genetically "modified" to be a female plant. so you dont have to worry about mails.. if you are looking for seeds, go hear


you can buy seeds individually so you can get a few different strains and still have guarenteed females.. you could veg them all take 20 clones off each, and flower 50 plants :) :) :)
SHOT DOWN tight for me lol about the seeds thoo carefull where you get them feminesed seeds arnt 100%. honestly males arnt that hard to spot and all you have to do is just throw it away litly trash can works good lol im takin you up on that meal to just so you know what your missin;) jokes
Thanks Suka,
I have been reading and it is quite daunting. I thought it would be much easier. Though so many choices, strains..methods. I just ordered Jorge Cervantes "Ultimate Grow DVD" I am hoping that helps. I have been reading his book but honestly I have taken university courses that where easier. I don't think people quite understand the work and knowledge required to be a professional grower it's quite daunting.

Yeah he dose get quite technical, but you don't really have to worry about that "in detail" stuff.. watching the DVD is allot easier and you'll get allot of those "Aha" moments...

but seriously watch the link i posted previously, its a good vid for dummies :-P and honestly Sharon, its not as hard as you think.. it sounds very complicated but its really not once you get the hang of it.. you have the internet.. you got nothing to stress about when it comes to information :)
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your luck...I'm sure you know you're better off without him.You don't need to buy expensive books with a site like this around.The growfaq has been invaluable to me, as have all the more experienced growers on here who steered me in the right direction. As for cloning, I personally did it for the first time myself, and 75 percent of them(3 out of 4) are now outdoors and doing well.(I gave them away).The fourth one died because I cut it wrong,not because I was using the wrong method.I used the peat puck method in the growfaq.It was simple to follow, and worked great for me.Since you're in flower, I can't tell you for sure if switching them back to veg is good, I'm not that experienced, all my clones were taken in veg.Good luck and welcome to riu.Here's a link to the cloning method I used.
Hello Gent's,
I am hoping one of you fellows could perhaps help me out.
Some background first. I recently kicked my husband out (he attempted to solicit a neighbors daughter for sex (piece of garbage he is). Regardless, he will never step foot in the neighborhood or my home again. He setup 2 -400watt lights in our shed (shed is aprox 10 X 20 - 2 rooms partitioned) with a number of plants (14 currently). I told him I have destroyed it all (only him and I know it was there). But I did not. He is a deadbeat, I will never get any support from him. At present, I am quite strapped for cash and I am thinking of making a go of it (growing and selling it myself).
The plants have been on a 12 - 12 flowering cycle for about 3 weeks. I can see the female pistels quite cleary. My dilema is this, do I let them flower and package and sell it (and then purchase more seeds). Or perhpas would I be better off cloning them (I can purchase 400w lights with ballast for $90 here with bulb - I know an electrician that builds them).
I have limited funds but was thinking with some help (I have recently picked up George Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture book and I am currently reading through it), I could perhaps clone them and grow a bigger crop and make a go of it. I fear though I may mess up the cloning process and kill them all. I have his rooting gel but no propogation machine. I am aware of the risks. I have family in Newfoundland that would purchase it at $2,000/lb no questions asked.
Can I clone without a propogation machine. If I turn the lights back to 18hr will that mess the plants up. Is cloning possible with limited funds. I am rather torn here. I am commited to learning and making a go of it. Some advice, guidance would be much appreciated. You guy's seem like a decent group of guy's that help each other out. My head is inudated by reading through all the threads..I know this is normally a guy thing but the times they are changing..your help, thoughts would be of great assitance. I will start a new grow journal if you guy's think you could help me through.
My dilema - do I clone and how with no propogation machine or do I let flower (how much can expect with 14 plants - varied breed - northern lights, skunk and mango)
ok well how about this hey sharon are you on adult freind finder ill look you up lol happy now olosta ill try and pick her up somewhere else that is if she isnt a narc

dude, this is rollitup, not lubeitup, if you think you are gonna get laid on an anonymous forum than you are not very bright........

speaking of not very bright, i can teach you how to grow using only candlelight with properly placed mirrors and a photograph of the sun!!!! you have to move the photograph daily though!!
Sharon, is weed easy to score up there in canada, do they have coffee shops or whatever i know they have seedbanks but i was thinking of flying up for a long weekend, gettin some seed and was wondering if its hard to find any smoke!!!!!!

wheres the best place to go to party? vancouver.ontario?
I have no kids. It was just him and I. I have only a little chihuahua named Coco. Though I am now considering getting a bigger dog.

dogs name!! sharon sharon sharon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now you have added VET records, dogs breed and name to the list of ways you could be tracked, im not kiddin, be vague about your things, dont mix social forum with what we all know is not the place to "get to know" people other than there knowledge, advice or sense of humor, nothing real!!!!
someone in my family is retired narcotics agent, I dont want to be a negative nelly, but i could almost gaurantee you could be found if they were so inclined to look!!! be very very careful!!!!!!
IM NEW TO this forum so if im wrong please tell me, but i think we should stick to growing, joking, toking and occasional sex talk,



i love that Ideam as reservoir could refer to hydro growing, anyone else seen the movie want to join the "reservoir" subculture rollitup crew!!!

Anyone who hasnt seen it, get it, get high and you will thank me later!!!!
ok so i read your whole thread and have a couple of suggestions

1. dont go buying a ton of seeds < you already have a bunch of females and some clones. Just take the best looking clone and make it your mother plant then just take clones off that.
2. Read, read, read... This forum has most if not all the info you need to be successful you just need to wade through the BS to find it. So find yourself some growers to model your grows after and learn from the pros what to do and you should be fine.
3. when you do buy seeds buy like 1-3 types and try to find something that produces a lot and is potent. Fem seeds are going to save you time which will give you more $ in less time. Then take the best plants of each of them and make them into mothers and when the others are harvested take your best strain/strains and just use those for your clones.
4. you should be able to get hot house for your clones for like 10-15 bucks and it will be better for you clones then your setup now. Here is one with a heat mat for 40$ you can probably find them cheaper if you look around or you could make your own
5. Since you are planning on opening up a restaurant with the $ you make and supporting yourself till then you need to figure out how much $ your going to need to open the restaurant + your yearly personal expenses... Maybe get quickbooks.
6. Then you can figure out how much you need to produce and the time period it will take you to get to your goal.
7. buy what supplies you need so you can meet your goal < dont skimp on supplies (soil , ventilation,lights,etc.) because it will end up hurting your production and if you buy the right stuff the first time you dont have to upgrade.
8. you probably want to do a perpetual grow (sog) so you know roughly how much you will yield in a given time (say a month) and this will help with the answer to # 6
9. when you do open up your restaurant continue growing for a bit for extra income and in case it goes under or you need to make changes because over 50% of restaurants go under in the first 6 months.
10. If your planning on opening up a business with your sister you may want to think about letting her know and only her know whats going on < if shes cool and can handle it. The reason I say this is because she will probably wonder where all the extra income is coming from and there may come a time when you need help with something and if you can't trust your partner/ sister with this info now whats going to happen when you own a business together and she accidentally finds out about it or catches you in a lie. This can seriously effect a partnership.

Just some food for thought.
Good Luck!