Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
here are more pics, the widow #1 its looking fine now and seems to be growing well. there is new growth in the centre and its staying nice and short so far which suits me (1 1/2" tall). pics 3 & 4 are of the widow #2, pics 5 & 6 are of the rhino, both of which are doing well also, the rhino has new growth in the centre so i hope the widow wont be far behind it. pic 7 is a group shot and pic 8 shows how far the light is above them, ( approx 2 1/2" ). i moved the 2 seedlings up to the same height as the bigger widow so they are all getting the same amount of light.




Well-Known Member
your big widow is looking real nice. its a survivor from your hydro disaster right? it seems to be loving the soil and thriving now. they all look like their off to a good start.

keep up the good work!


New Member
hi guy's, im using a 125w cfl at the moment for these till they get abit bigger, just so i dont burn them and they get nice and bushy. the reflector is for my hps, the cfl is alot heavier thats why the reflectors not level, its to keep the bulb level.
hi ryan, yes its the one i rescued from my hydro disaster. it seems to doing fine now that its roots are in soil. lets hope it stays that way.
thanks for stopping in,



Well-Known Member
i've got a white rhino growing myself, and it actually looks almost like yours, just a couple days behind. i suppose we can compare eachothers rhinos as they grow.

I'll be watching this grow a lot. you can check out mine if you want, it's in my sig.


New Member
i've got a white rhino growing myself, and it actually looks almost like yours, just a couple days behind. i suppose we can compare eachothers rhinos as they grow.

I'll be watching this grow a lot. you can check out mine if you want, it's in my sig.
hi ryan, yea i'll be checking out your grow and comparing plants, notes, etc...

here is an update on the growroom, the big widow is doing great now, its changing everytime i look at it. the next set of leaves are starting to open up. pic 3 is the rhino and pic 4 is the widow, both are doing well and both are starting to grow the next sets of leaves ( not sure if they can be seen in the pics ) so it wont be long before the changes are more noticable.
thanks for looking.




New Member
theres not been much change overnight, all 3 are doing fine. as you can see the bigger widow is only an inch tall, all 3 are the same height. the rhino is in pic 3 and the other widow is in pic 4. both of these have now got the second set of proper leaves forming, they are 5 days behind the bigger 1. ive also raised the light by an inch so its now 2 1/2"- 3" above the tops.
it looks like some disscolouration on the big widow but its just from the light above it.




New Member
here are more pics of my grow, pics 1 & 2 are my big widow which is now 14 days old, its been in the soil for 10 days now. although its had some problems its seems fine now and growing bigger and stronger everyday. the smaller widow & rhino are 5 days old now and both are showing new growth, their next set of leaves are getting bigger. im going to give them untill saturday and im going to re-pot them into 1 gallon pots and turn on the hps to give more light and raise the temps abit, the temp in the growroom is a constant 70F with the cfl and the humidity is 65%.




New Member
i couldnt wait untill saturday to add the hps, so its been added now and the temps upto 84F with the fans running. i'll keep my eye on it though so it doesnt get too hot for my babies.



Well-Known Member
you should be good upto 90F. but your plants are gonna grow like crazy under that hps, so just make sure you raise it up when you need to.

looking very nice so far, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
just havin a look at your journal n your widow is looking alot beter now. glad to see it made it bro. cant wait to see the rhino when its bigger. here is a pic of 1 of my widow plants 1wk in2 flower.



New Member
thanx for stopping by guy's, here are more pics of my babies after being under the hps for a day, i think theres a big difference in them all. the big widow has its next set of leaves forming, its on its third node already and the fourth is starting to show and its only just over an inch high. the other widow & rhino are getting bigger and the leaves are spreading out now. it wont be long before they are like the 1st widow. might have to re-pot them before saturday if they keep growing like this. the temp is staying at 84 F with the lights on and the humidity is between 30-50%.




New Member
just havin a look at your journal n your widow is looking alot beter now. glad to see it made it bro. cant wait to see the rhino when its bigger. here is a pic of 1 of my widow plants 1wk in2 flower.
yours looks good bro. im glad mine has made it this far, it should be fine now as long as i keep doing what im doing.



New Member
i have just spent time in the growroom carefully transplanting my babies into larger pots, they are now in 6" wide pots which will give them all plenty of space to grow for the next few weeks and build up a good sized root system. i'll get some pics up later. the next time i re-pot them it will be into 2 gallon buckets for flowering.



Well-Known Member
hey hustla....they be looking good. the transplant will see them blossom more as well. great work!


New Member
her is todays update, they are all loving the hps and growing well.
pics 1-3 are widow #1, its on its fourth node @ 1 1/2" high, there is alot of new growth at each node as shown in pic 3. its got its first set of 5 leaves now and the next set are coming in nicely too.
pics 4-6 are of widow #2, its leaves are spreading out well to catch the rays. i can see the new growing tip just starting to appear now.
pics 7-9 are of the rhino, its spreading out too and has its next set of leaves forming faster than the widow but im not worried. all 3 are looking very healthy and growing well. thanks for looking.


