Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


Active Member
hi bro its me lol..
just give me the matches masta lol....

i love fires....
hope your two are doin fine bro.. will pop back in later to see if you have posted more pics..


New Member
hi guy's, here are the pics for today, both plants are looking great and growing well.

pics 1-3 are the female widow. there are alot of new pistils appearing now, even on the lowest branches. i cant wait until it starts to fill out with buds lol.

pics 4-6 are the male rhino, its covered in sacs now. can anyone tell from the pics if its sacs are almost ready to open ?




Well-Known Member
is your male on 12/12..if so any day. i have males that have opened sacks in veg.

when breeding make sure you do not have any contact with the female flower room after being in the breeding room. the pollen spreads so easy. so shower and change clothes before messing with the ladies.

your plans and grow are looking and sounding great for the future...nice job !!!!


New Member
nice pics what point in the females life to you introduce the male pollen???
hi there bong, i'll be pollenating as soon as the male starts to open so i can collect it. i have been told its better to do it in the first 2-3 weeks of flower, because it takes upto 4-6 weeks to form a good viable seed. thanks for asking mate.



New Member
is your male on 12/12..if so any day. i have males that have opened sacks in veg.

when breeding make sure you do not have any contact with the female flower room after being in the breeding room. the pollen spreads so easy. so shower and change clothes before messing with the ladies.

your plans and grow are looking and sounding great for the future...nice job !!!!

hi there mike, nice to see you man. yea both plants are in together on 12/12 and have been for 16 days now. i dont have a seperate flower room as i only have these 2 plants growing. the sacs are swelling nicely so im hoping for them to open any day now. thanks for the compliments man.



New Member
i forgot to mention that i trimmed off some of the lower leaves and branches from the male to try and get it to concentrate on the flowers. i hope it starts to open those sacs soon so i can start to pollenate my girl.



Well-Known Member
those sacs are about to open your on your way lol. i was thinking of growing only males next grow to find a good daddy to breed with. this hobby is becoming my life lol.


New Member
those sacs are about to open your on your way lol. i was thinking of growing only males next grow to find a good daddy to breed with. this hobby is becoming my life lol.
hi bwinn, yes man i know lol. i satarted growing last year so i didnt have to pay stupid money for shit weed and now it has taken over lol. im now taking it to the next level lol. its an excellent hobby.

i hope they open soon mate lol, i cant wait to get started on my breeding.



New Member
hi folk's, here is the update for today, day 17 of 12/12, total = 38 days from sprout.

pics 1-4 are the female, there are lots of pistil's showing now, there is a nice cluster on the main cola ( pic 4 ). pic 2 is taken nearer the bottom of the plant and as you can see has a nice group of pistil's too. im very pleased with the growth of this plant.

pics 5-8 are of the male, there are shit loads of sacs on him now, everywhere i look lol. each node has a large clusters and the main cola has dozens of them. i wish they would start to open, or show some signs that they are going to open.




New Member
hey hustla...looking good...when you pollenate, do you just pic like a couple of buds to pollenate or do you do the whole plant??


New Member
hey hustla...looking good...when you pollenate, do you just pic like a couple of buds to pollenate or do you do the whole plant??
hi there bong, thanks for stopping in, im going to let the whole plant get pollenated mate, im going to use the seeds for my future breeding program. i want lots of them lol. some people only pollenate 1 or 2 branches for just a few seeds.

lol plenty of bulging ball sacks on that big boy.
hi matsa, lol he is a big boy isnt he lol. thanks for stoping in man. i'll be coming round your grow soon mate.



Well-Known Member
nice work hustla, those have grown alot since i last checked in here. glad to see you got a female finally.

so one female and one male? what happened to the other one?

but anyway, lookin good so far. and good luck with the breeding.


New Member
nice work hustla, those have grown alot since i last checked in here. glad to see you got a female finally.

so one female and one male? what happened to the other one?

but anyway, lookin good so far. and good luck with the breeding.
hi there ryan, long time no see man. yea im glad i got a female too lol. the 3rd plant was male too so i made my choice to keep the best for crossing. things should start to happen any day now man. fingers crossed.
thanks for stopping by, i'll be round to see how yours are doing soon.



New Member
hi there crazy, thanks for dropping in and thanks for the compliments man. there will be more pics added later today at somepoint.
