At the recommendation of a friend, I bought some HVY BAGS last season and gave it a try. My friend had nothing but great things to say about it, and he's used every brand out there. I gave it a shot and I agree with him. I was worried because they were so much cheaper than the other brands out there, but I learned that in this case, the cheaper bag happened to be the best one I've used. I've used them several times now with no problems. I've always gotten a ripped seam after a couple of uses of my other bags (I've gone through several sets of Payload, a couple sets of Trashbags, and a lot of others. I think Payload was the cheapest quality). Obviously, I've been doing this awhile. I've turned some other friends I have in the same 'field' onto these, and I'm still friends with everyone. I just hope they don't start raising their prices.