Hydro Cloning - Limp Clones

Humidity could be a problem.

I checked the bucket since it was still running.
Water Temp = 83F
PH = 6.5
PPM = 1070

I do have light timers, but where do you get a short cycle timer? Ive never seen one that you can break it down that far, but i have only used light timers before.

I have cloned white widows using this same method and 3 out of 5 took perfectly.

I am going to hit up the store tomorrow and get a propagation tray and dome lid. I have rock-wool that I use when I go from seedling, which should make transfer easier. Just go right into net pot in DWC bucket. Assume that rock-wool will work fine with clones and using the clonex liquid and gel.

Thanks for all the input and help.
Humidity could be a problem.

I checked the bucket since it was still running.
Water Temp = 83F
PH = 6.5
PPM = 1070

I do have light timers, but where do you get a short cycle timer? Ive never seen one that you can break it down that far, but i have only used light timers before.

I have cloned white widows using this same method and 3 out of 5 took perfectly.

I am going to hit up the store tomorrow and get a propagation tray and dome lid. I have rock-wool that I use when I go from seedling, which should make transfer easier. Just go right into net pot in DWC bucket. Assume that rock-wool will work fine with clones and using the clonex liquid and gel.

Thanks for all the input and help.
Why do you have your Ppm over 1000 for clones? Clones don't need any Nutes. Once they have roots like 200-300. That issue right there will kill almost any cutting you take.

Your water temp is also way high.

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I run dwc and my ppm is almost never over 600. And that's late in flower with real plants. Cutting/seedlings ~300 ppm is more than enough.

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Everything is too high for clones. Less than 300 for clones is ideal. Water temp should be cooler, PH should be in mid to high 5's. A little peroxide helps too. Especially for higher temps. With higher temps you will need to change water more often. Peroxide helps with that too.
Well I know that seeds require no nutes, but as for the clones I was following the directions on the bottle, which is what I followed the last successful time.

Got a tray and dome, so going to try and use rockwool method and see if I get better results.

I know its old but....Just wondering how the results were and what you've since learned in the past 2 years or did you give up on rockwool in the end?
Flatten, my DIY bucket cloner is identical to his. What I find helps the most on fresh cuts is using a dome or cover to keep humidity high until roots develop. I mist until I see the plant is able to uptake enough water through the stem and then wait for roots. Some cuts have taken over 2 weeks to get roots but it almost always works.