hydro drip journal


Well-Known Member
I figured that posting in this topic forum makes more sense then updating my old thread in the hydro forum. so here we go.

using a custom drip irrigation setup. mix of things from homedepot/walmart, online drip store and a local hydro shop. its based on the hydro setup in the greenman video. i have 2 plants in the 4th week of veg. i'm using six 4 foot fluorescents for veg. i have a seperate closet for flowering. light provided by a 600 watt hps thats air cooled. i haven't had any problems with the drippers so i'm going to use the same setup in both closets. in 2 weeks i'm going to pull 4 clones from each plant. then 2 weeks later i'll flower 1 clone from each plant and sex them. i'm pretty sure both plants are different strains. the one has huge fan leafs and is thin and tall, the other is shorter and its leaves are much thicker. i put a cd in the last photo for scale.



Well-Known Member
week 7

some new pics. i took clones (first pic) from each plant and not a single one rooted. i'm using dip n grow liquid rooting concentrate. i'm not sure if they failed because i didn't dilute the concentrate enough with water? is anyone else using the same rooting compound? i'd like to cut new clones very soon. any suggestions appriciated:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
week 10

i'm on the 3rd set of clones. a power outage killed the last batch and so far only the clones from one of the mothers are surviving. they were cut a weekago. i'm done with dipngrow. what are some other brands to try? i think once the clones show roots from the cubes i'm going to flower the 2 mothers. since the clones died i still don't know the sex of either plant. time and money and nothing to show. when they start showing i'll know what to do next. keep one or two of the clones and grow them into mothers or start from scratch:?
i began to LST the strongest to grow out the sides and get multiple tops.



Well-Known Member
well to update, not that anyone actually reads this anyways..
none of the clones survived so i put both mothers in the bloom room. after 10 days or so they finally showed their sex. one male and one female. i'm just about to start the 3rd week of flowering. my original plan was for 4-6 plants for the SOG method. i'm not to sure if that will work since this one plant has filled almost the entire area. 5 more weeks.. woohoo

i started some new plants and got a different rooting hormone. alot of people swear by rootech. we'll see how it goes



Well-Known Member
a week has passed since my last update. alot of new bud sites have popped up. i had to move the lighting mount up higher today. if i hadn't moved it there is no way it would have made it to 8 weeks.. lots of room now. nutes have been adjusted for flowering too. little over a month till she's done :joint:



Elite Rolling Society
Well, I am very fasinated and impressed with your custom-made system! Very impressive !
I am going to ask a dumb ass question, I am curious as to where are the roots going? Are the grow cups sitting on hydroton rocks or in water or what? How are you oxygenating the roots? Are there airstones tHAt I don't see?
No matter what anyone says, pics tellt he tale, you got the buds, bro, and
that is all that matters !
How about explaining the system to us,


Well-Known Member
thanks.. first reply award goes to you. there isn't a smiley awad icon tho.. haha. :-?
basically is the same set up as my veg room. water res, water pump, air pump, drip manifold with 2gph drippers and a 600w hps.i'm using GH nutrients also. this plant was a mother plant, hense the reason its in a planter and not just a 6x6 rockwool cube. i had terrible luck getting clones to root without dying in a week. so i started new plants from seeds and put the moms in the flowering room. the one was a male but thank god one was a female. the tub is full of hydroton because i was going to grow SOG like in the greenman video. i use drip irrigation instead of eb n flo for flowering because i had extra parts from the veg room, but with no clones i flowered the moms. with about 5 weeks to go it should finish out around 4 ft tall.. haha


Well-Known Member
i'm a little hesitant to buy seeds online so i germinated decent bagseeds and this is the one that was the best of the bunch. i might take a drive to visit our neighbors to the north. start of the 4th week still very little smell. i did build the odor removal machine that videoman40 created so i have it when it starts to reak.

i have notice that my plant is most likely a hermaphodite. i noticed a ball here and there. i cut what i've found so far. i have a bad feeling that i'm going to have seeds now. fucking a:evil:



Well-Known Member
its the same plant. from post #5 all pics are from the flowering area. hence the orange color. 2 different closets. one for veg and one for flower.
tying down the sides branches really did alot. the 2 branches from where i topped it are huge but there are 5 side branches that are the same height and look the same. getting exciting.. haha



Well-Known Member
Wassup fizz, colas looking sweet. too bad you dont know what it is. As long as it stony shit it doesnt matter. I dont know where you live, but there are seed websites that dont keep records of there customers and package/bill discreetely. I havent had a problem yet. How far are they into flower in that last pic? keep it up.


Well-Known Member
damn it.. got a nasty whitefly infestation going on. been treating it for 4 days. little buggers are pretty tough. i've searched on here for ways to get rid of them. anyone have any suggestions?

next batch is going very well. almost out of space. time to start trimming.. haha


Well-Known Member
One week left. finally after 4 months i will have something to show for all of the hard work. i had a bit of a scare over the weekend. my hps didn't turn on so i had to scramble around. rigged up some cfl's. grabbed the bulb thinking it was just burned out premature. i purchased the 600 w hps at HTGS so i headed to the shop. had the bulb tested, but it worked fine.. somethings wrong with the ballast. after talking with them i learned that it could be fixed (for free!) and i would be able to get a loaner till it was fixed. talk about good customer service. the buds are swelling up and are alot more reddish now. almost party time :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
snip snip.. puff puff..3 hours later i'm done.. haha. i'm not going to weigh it for at least 5 days. i cut a top a week early and its pretty dried out now. smokes real clean.. alot of ear buzzing.. haha still feeling it 4 hours later. i plan on drying it out for a week then cure them in canning jars. just waiting for the new clones to root then 6 of the 9 i have in veg will go into the flower closet. i have them tagged so i know what clones from what plant. i can get a fast turnaround this way. plants are topped out in veg and need to go. i'll tie down the 3 remaining plants and grow out the clones. highly pleased with my first hydro grow :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i started out at 5 min 3 times a day, 1 hour after the lights came on, midday and 1 hour before the light went off. check the rockwool everyday to see how much its retaining by lifting it up. if it feels light, add a one minute or two to your time. i have a programable timer so you can adjust by min. i think a 15 min feeding twice a day would be ok for drip. what are your drippers rated at?